Page 96 of Love Puck

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Not from him.

It was then I realized a part of me—a very small part—had hoped he’d be relieved to have our secret affair out in the open. That he’d embrace me, and we’d live happily ever after.

The Cash Clemens standing here right now wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.

Not now.

Not ever.

I’d ruined his stellar reputation.

One that he’d worked his whole life to build.

And in a few short seconds, I’d managed to tear it all down.

He was right.

I’d made him look like a liar and a cheater.


I’d turned him into a liar and a cheater.

And he hated me for it.

I couldn’t blame him for that.

Wyatt moseyed over to me, wagging his tail. I crouched down and gave him a good pat down. “Bye, Wyatt. I’m going to miss you, buddy.” He licked my cheek and I smiled.

Without looking at Cash again, I stood and walked out his door.

Wishing the universe didn’t hate me so much.



“It would be better if you waited until she wakes up on her own. She doesn’t like to be disturbed,” one of mom’s regular aides advised me. I knew she was only looking out for Mom's well-being.

But I needed my mom.

I also knew that it was three hours before Mom’s normal wake-up time. And keeping her on a regular schedule was important.

I’d been lucky and quickly got a flight. And if I didn’t at least see my mom—gosh. I was truly going to lose it.

“I’m sorry,” I said, truly feeling bad that I would mess up my mom’s day—and in turn mess up the aide’s day as well. She’d have to deal with my mom the rest of the day. And there was a good chance Mom would be grouchy from an early wakeup call. “I really need her.”

And I did.

I wasn’t sure how far news of my make-out session with Cash had traveled. Or even if it would.

Maybe it would be a high news day, and there’d be a snap royal wedding. Or an incarcerated celebrity would hog the headlines.

I could only hope.

As quietly as I could, I opened Mom’s door. Her body startled slightly, but then she settled back into a light snore. I stood and watched her sleep. Thinking about how unfair life was.

How my father had been taken from me when I was young.
