Page 32 of Strictly Off Limits

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He attempted to remove the bamboo, but his roll fell apart. After they both tried a few more times to create the perfect rolls they settled for messy deconstructed sushi bites.

He had been right about her obsession with sushi. After she’d devoured hers—and half of his sushi blobs—he refilled their wine glasses, and they moved to sit in his living room. The couches were big enough to accommodate his large build, and she tucked her feet under her. There wasn’t a television in the room that she could see. Just large bookshelves framing the huge fireplace and hundreds of books on the shelves. With the press of a button, a flame appeared, and a cracking sound filled the room.

“This must work really well for you with the ladies.”

“I’ve never brought anyone back to my place before.”

“Did you just move in?”

“No, I’ve had this place for a few years now.”

She wasn’t so much nervous as she was excited to be with him in his space. He’d always seemed like a celebrity or untouchable, someone she couldn’t really get to know. But now, he was making it perfectly clear that he was available and wanted to be with her. The little voice that screamed “use caution, you’re with the enemy” was being drowned out with desire.

Chapter Twelve

It was nearlyimpossible not to take advantage of the privacy of his apartment and the look of pure need in Hannah’s eyes. They were finally alone and they both wanted the same thing, but something was holding him back. As much as he wanted to make her his in every way possible, he didn’t like the idea of hiding, being forced to deny that they were together.

“So now that you’ve got me here and fed me, what else do you have planned?”

Eyeing her, he took a long pull on his wine and lifted the edge of his coffee table. It opened to reveal several board games and decks of cards. He retrieved a deck of cards and closed the table.

“Do you know how to play 500?” he asked.

“Yes, but I can’t believe that’s the game you want to play.” She set her wine glass on the table and scooted closer.

“No, I would much prefer to take you back to my room and make love to you until morning.” Good—her eyes were dilated, and her chest was heaving. “But I’m not interested in being your conquest or your dirty little secret. So until I can prove Mariah was lying, we are going to be limited to just reacquainting ourselves.”

She scoffed. “I’ve known you for fifteen years.”

“But you don’t really know me at all. You don’t know my favorite band or how I felt about leaving the narcotics unit, how many times I’ve been stabbed, or what techy ventures I lost my shirt in.” He avoided her eyes by dealing out their cards.

Picking up her pile, she fanned them out.

“I guess you’re right. I mean, you didn’t know my side hustle in college was being a card shark.”

Laughing, he let out a deep breath of relief. She’d accepted his terms. Because if she had pushed back even a little, he would have caved and carried her back to his room. He was trying to be a gentleman, but he wasn’t a saint.

“Maybe we should up the odds on this game,” she said, looking over her cards now fanned out in whatever order she framed them.

“I’m listening.”

“Loser of each round removes an article of clothing. I’ll have you down to your briefs and beat you to 500.”

Her cocky smile was infectious. “Okay, baby shark, your confidence is attractive, which is going to make beating you almost disappointing.”

“We’ll see.” With that, she picked up the first card off the top of the deck to set the game, a queen of hearts.

“How fitting,” he teased.

She picked up the card and spread out the ace, king, queen, and jack of hearts. “I agree. I just need to decide whether I want you to lose your pants or your shirt first.”

An hour later, Conner sat on his couch in his briefs and one sock as Hannah sat fully clothed with a smirk.

“I used to really love poker, but I think this will be my new favorite game.” She set down her last three cards with her hands up like a criminal. “I won, so do I have you lose the sock or the briefs?” She bit her nail in contemplation.

Throwing his cards down, he lay back in defeat. “Were you cheating, or was that just beginner’s luck?”

A moment later, she stood in front of him and hiked up her long dress to straddle him on the couch. She let her hand run over his abs that were out on full display. Hannah was taking over the game. Like weak prey that submitted and showed its belly, he was at her mercy. His hands gripped her hips and kneaded into her flesh.
