Page 33 of Strictly Off Limits

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“Hannah.” Her name was a warning.

“Calm down, Sergeant. I’m not going to violate you. I don’t sleep with someone on the first date. I’m offended you would think so little of me.”

“After knowing you most of your life, does this really count as a first date?”

Her innocent words didn’t match the sly smile on her lips as she rocked over him. He was helpless as her hands slid up his abs, over his chest, to settle above his shoulders. Her wild curls cascaded down like a curtain of fire around his face. Slowly, she lowered her mouth to his, and he was a goner. This woman could have anything he had to offer, and he wanted to give her everything.

Their kisses were like further proof of sexual tension that ebbed just beneath the surface whenever they were around each other. Suddenly, hands were groping, searching, teasing. Her dress was up to her hips, and he was using his hand to coax her to beg him for what she needed. He was determined to stay true to his word, but there was no reason he couldn’t give her a taste of pleasure, something to prove she wanted more. He slipped his hand under her dress, and his thumb found her heat. Her body shuddered, proving she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

“You’re stunning,” he breathed into her ear.

Her mouth met his, and she took over their kiss as his thumb stroked and teased her. Biting his bottom lip as her body stiffened, she rocked until her body relaxed again, and a whimper escaped. She collapsed over him, and their heavy breathing was the only sound until she started to laugh.

“Not the response I was hoping for,” he said.

“I’m just embarrassed at how easily I fall apart under your touch.”

Gripping the back of her neck, he brought her mouth back to his. “Just further proof we’ve been written in the stars.”

“Hmmm, that was very romantic, Sergeant. I like this side of you.”

“Good. I got more where that came from, but for now, I think I better get you home before you turn into a pumpkin.”

She skimmed her lips over his neck. “Mmm, I can tell you want me to stay.” Her hand moved down past his abs to stroke him through his thin cotton fitted briefs.

With a sharp inhale of breath, he pulled her up over him, capturing her mouth in a final hard kiss. “You’re going to pay for that later.”

He stood, holding her thighs to keep her legs straddled around him before guiding her body to slide down until she was steady on her feet.

“I can’t wait.”

Next he pulled her dress back down while she ran her hands through his long hair that was now mussed.

“I liked your beard, but it’s nice to see this handsome face again. Just don’t cut your hair.”

“No? Gives you something to pull when you need my attention?”

“Or when I need to redirect this lush mouth.” She leaned up and kissed him gently while gripping his hair between her fingers.

“Alright, sexy, let me get dressed, and I’ll run you home.”

“Can I use your powder room before we go?”

“Of course, just down the hall, first door on your left.”

He adjusted himself, but there was no denying he was going to be uncomfortable the rest of the night. He had no real idea how he would convince Mariah to admit she lied, but he was going to figure out something.

After taking Hannah home and a long cold shower, he lay awake in bed, unable to stop thinking about how eager she’d been for his touch. How strange after all these years they would both feel such a strong need for each other. It had to mean there was something greater between them.

Giving up on sleep, he logged into his work computer and found Mariah’s name linked to several addresses. It wasn’t clear which was her full-time residence, which didn’t help his cause. He knew many people posted way too much personal information on social media, and within ten minutes, he knew which home she stayed in, her dog’s name, and that she was recently single,#availablebeing posted all over her recent posts about another ugly breakup. Something she seemed to thrive on.

It dawned on him that she had made something of a lifestyle brand based around being shallow. Maybe that was the key to getting her to fess up. He could confront her about holding a flame for her and see if he couldn’t manipulate her into a confession. If she believed he was interested in hooking up with her, she could Google him and discover he’d made good on his financial goals. That would at least get him an audience with someone who was posting#spoiledand#sugardaddyhunting. She wasn’t even hiding what she was after.

There was only one problem with his plan. This entire time he refused to admit there was a slight possibility that he had slept with Mariah. He’d been so pissed at how quickly Parker had condemned him he never took the time to consider if it had happened. He had no memory of anything after getting into his bed that night and felt sure he would never have touched Mariah. He’d loved Parker like a brother. Now, with so much at stake, his confidence was shaky.

But there was no turning back, because if he was going to have any long-term chance with Hannah, he had to find out what happened that night and beg Parker to forgive him, no matter what the outcome.

Chapter Thirteen
