Page 55 of Strictly Off Limits

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“Let’s give the meds time to work. Then you can change your T-shirt so you don’t keep catching a chill.”

“How did you know?” she asked.

“Dre called your brother and told him that you called in sick. He was worried because you’ve never been sick before. I think the entire shift is waiting to hear how I found you.”

“Ughhh, so nosy,” she whined.

“You know the squads stick together. They’re family too,” her dad said, swapping out washcloths.

“I guess so,” she mumbled.

“I better let your brother know you’re really ill and not just heartsick. Then you can tell me about what’s going on.”

Groaning, she focused on the cool cherry popsicle and the soothing washcloth on her forehead. She listened as her dad spoke with her brother. Parker must have offered to drop off some food, because her dad explained he had it covered. Fresh tears fell from under the washcloth. It was nice to know her brother wasn’t so mad at her that he wouldn’t help her if she really needed him.

“Now, let me get these washcloths rinsed again, and you can start talking when you’re ready.”

Her dad spent the next ten minutes patiently rinsing the washcloths in cool water and wiping her brow. After two popsicles, the meds kicked in, and her skin cooled. While her dad went downstairs to grab a few more things, she changed into a new set of dry PJs. He returned with a ginger ale and a glass cup filled with a few white roses from the bunch Conner had brought for her.

“It seems like a waste to keep them all downstairs if you’re going to be stuck in bed all day,” her dad said.

He didn’t ask, but she knew he was waiting for her to tell him where they’d come from.

“No one ever gave me roses before,” she said, not meeting her dad’s eyes.

He sat in the small accent chair that made him look like a giant. All the men in her family were over six foot with broad shoulders.

“White roses symbolize eternal love and loyalty,” he said matter-of-factly.

Her neck twinged from the speed of her whipping it up to face him. His eyes looked solemn before a smile spread on his face, and his deep laughter broke the silence.

“Your old man knows a few things. I only ever gave your mom white roses.”

“You did? I don’t remember that.”

“You were so young when she died. You clung to every memory of her you could, but they tend to fade, no matter what we do. A florist explained to me once that most people think red roses are the most romantic, but white were the real deal.”

“I doubt Conner knew that when he bought them.” She huffed and sank lower in her covers.

“From what I’ve heard, he’s the smartest one in the bunch, and that’s saying a lot. His mother is a whip-smart judge.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. I can’t see him anymore.”

“Says who? Did that boy dump you?”

“No. I ended it because Parker will never forgive Conner, and I don’t want to lose my brother.”

“Your loyalty is flawed,” her dad said, pulling a bag of chocolates out of his pocket. She got her sweet tooth from him, and their weakness was always chocolate.

“What do you mean?”

“Darling, you’ve been in love with Conner Maguire since you were ten years old. That boy finally figured out he loves you, too, and then you dump him because your brother’s too proud to admit he was wrong?”

With her mouth hanging open, she watched her dad eat half his bag of sweets while she collected her thoughts.

“You kids always think I’m not paying attention, but when you’re a parent, you’ll see it never ends.”

“How do you know Conner didn’t betray Parker?” she asked, earning a snort of laughter from her dad.
