Page 56 of Strictly Off Limits

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“I met your brother’s college girlfriend. She was a conceited snob. Conner is too laid-back to like a woman like that. I never believed he was capable of such a dirty move. And, of course, I asked him.”

“You asked him?”

He nodded. “Something about real men—you can ask them anything and they’ll tell you the truth. They won’t lie to you, because real men have integrity.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Cause as long as Parker believes it, he’ll never accept me being with Conner. It would drive a wedge in the family, and I’m not willing to do that.”

There was more head nodding as he finished off his chocolate and folded the wrapper.

“Or, you could tell Parker to get over himself, and be with whoever you want. Because I’ll tell you one thing, life really goes by too fast to waste time.”

“But Parker will never forgive me.”

“Eventually, he’ll have to accept it. Especially if you get married and give me some grandbabies to spoil.”

“Dad, I think you may also have a fever and the hallucinations have started. No one said anything about babies.”

“Not yet, but it’s time one of you gets serious about carrying on the family name and traditions. How am I supposed to enjoy retirement with no grandkids to spoil? You look like you’re the closest one.”

Hannah couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up. “We broke up, and Conner probably wouldn’t forgive me even if I begged.”

“Darling, let me teach you a little something about a man in love. He will never give up. I bet he’s plotting his way back into your heart as we speak.”

Laying back on her cool pillows, she couldn’t help but hope he was. It had only been a day, and she missed Conner with a fierceness that scared her. She didn’t want to name what she was feeling, even if everyone else in her life knew what it was. She wasn’t prepared to say she loved someone, only to lose them.

“Alright, I’ll pop this movie in, and we can see how Hollywood explains love.” He held up a DVD case, and she was surprised to see he’d chosen a modern rom-com.

“Dad, has your taste in movies changed, or does that choice directly correlate to my life right now?”

“Maybe a little of both.” He winked.

Chapter Twenty-Two

It had beenonly two days since Hannah ended things, and everything was going wrong. Mariah kept texting him nonstop about the gala and leaving not-so-subtle sexual innuendos. His report on the raid was completed, but the attorneys interviewed him for five hours and tasked him with additional requests. Everyone and their brother were asking for tickets to the gala, and he ran out. The only person with more tickets didn’t want to talk to him, because she wasn’t answering his texts or calls.

Standing outside Hannah’s house, Conner knew she might not answer the door, but she’d left him no other options. There were at least a dozen things she would need help with for the gala.

Before he could knock, the door opened, and Parker stood at the threshold.

His day just went from bad to worse.

“You just can’t stay away,” Parker said with a scowl.

“Your sister won’t answer my calls, and the gala is in three days. I know there is a lot of work to do, and I intend to see this through,” Conner said. Of course, the real reason he was there was because he missed Hannah.

Parker studied him. “She’s been sick with the flu. She’s sleeping now, and I’d rather you not disrupt her.”

His stomach cramped, and his heart pounded. She was sick, and he hadn’t been there to take care of her. Even though she’d cut him off, guilt settled over him. No wonder she didn’t want to talk to him.

“Do you want me to check in on her later? My schedule is a bit more flexible these days.”

Conner knew Parker was expected to report to the firehouse for each shift and stay there in case of an emergency.

“No, we don’t need your help. My brothers and I are taking turns checking on her. And my dad has practically moved in.”

“Well, can you at least tell her that I’m available to help with the gala if she needs me to run around picking up donations for the silent auction or deal with the vendors?”

“Sure, I’ll tell her.”
