Page 60 of Strictly Off Limits

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“Are you?”

“No, I wouldn’t know how to do that.”

“But you did manage to sweet-talk the city council into considering opening a new community center and created several very successful fundraising events to support it. Maybe you can find something to merge your love of both serving the community and hosting events.”

“That sounds like a dream job,” she said as she rinsed the dirty plates.

“You have to chase your dreams, Hannah. They won’t just find you.”

“I guess I always thought I wanted to follow in Mom’s footsteps as a paramedic and never stopped to consider long-term if I loved it. I just loved the idea of her.”

Dad pulled her and gave her a warm squeeze.

“It was a nice way to honor your mother and get to know her passions, but it doesn’t have to be your only path.”

“We’ll see. Once this gala is over, if we raise enough for the new community center and it gets approved, then I can consider my next steps.”

“And you’ll need to make your mind up about that Maguire boy because I think he’s spending his fortune on roses.”

Her dad opened the pantry where he’d hidden several additional bouquets of flowers, one large yellow and pink one and several more bunches of white roses.

“I didn’t want your brothers to pick on you too much.”

The sweet smell of roses filled the room, and tears pricked her eyes.

“I think I have some groveling to do. I just hope he’s still willing to listen.”

“Start with ‘thank you for the flowers’ and see where that leads you.”

She pulled several of the arrangements out of the cupboard and set them on the counter.

An idea took root.

After saying goodbye to her dad, she took a few pics of her flowers and got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. It was still early, and the pictures Conner had sent of the lawn were from that morning at the wharf. There was a chance he was still at the community center, but when she arrived, there was no sign of his vehicle. The wharf and warehouse had been transformed. It already looked like a fun place for the community: fields for running, a playground for kids. Maybe she could even get some cool mural painted on the side of the warehouse. She let herself inside and found the VIP red carpet leading to the wall of roses where attendees could have their photos taken. The stage was constructed, and she couldn’t resist testing out the lights. The space was really coming together.

Finally, she sent Conner a few pics of the flowers he’d sent.

Thank you for the flowers and all the work you did at the warehouse!

You’re welcome, but you don’t need to thank me. I’m sorry I wasn’t the one taking care of you,he replied.

Can I see you tonight?she texted and held her breath until his response appeared.

Absolutely. I have court this afternoon but should be free after that.

Okay, I’ll come to your place. 5:00?

I’ll be there.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Conner was morenervous than when he was sixteen and kissed a girl for the first time. More nervous than when he graduated from the police academy and responded to his first 911 call. Hannah was on her way up in the elevator, and he didn’t know if she was going to say she made a mistake or tell him to stop buying out all the white roses in town. He was terrified that he’d already lost her yet hoped her coming to see him was a good sign.

The ding of the elevator broke through his thoughts, and the door slid open. Hannah stepped out in a simple black wrap dress and heels, her red curls down over her shoulders, and her lips glossed with pink. She looked stunning, and her eyes twinkled with something just before her mouth spread in a sly smile.

“Hi,” she breathed, stopping less than a foot away.

“Hi. You don’t look like you’ve been sick for three days.”
