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“Let’s see what she has to say,” Griffin finally said.

They found her at the realtor’s office, chatting with a couple about renting a property on the outskirts of town. Mindy had one of the busiest jobs in town. Someone was always looking for a place to stay. Most wanted to buy and ended up renting because property was such a hot commodity in town.

Mindy was quiet after they delivered the blowing news of her brother’s arrest. She sat rigid in her chair, and Griffin wouldn’t say she looked guilty in the least as if she had known what her brother had been up to. She’d been in the dark as much as them.

“Do you have any idea where he’d store his equipment?” Griffin had to ask. He didn’t expect an honest answer. In the end, Mark was her brother, and he knew she’d protect him. He’d do the same for his siblings, despite working for the law. When it came down to it, family was more important. Not that he’d ever have to worry about them breaking the law in such a manner. Maybe his feelings would change if they did do something heinous.

“There must be some mistake. Mark wouldn’t…to think he’d…” She shook her head, the denial ringing clear. “You’re wrong.”

Griffin relaxed in his chair, tossing his foot over his knee as if he had all the time in the world. It was in complete contrast to how he actually felt. The anxiety was coursing through his body, revving to unleash a bout of anger the town had never seen from him before.

“I found multiple cameras in Eve’s house. Too many cameras. His prints were on one of them. The only explanation for that is he put it there. Mindy, they were found in the bathroom and bedroom. Eve told me numerous times things had moved around in her house. He was breaking in and touching her things. He had access to the house through you. He has access to all the other properties you manage. Now, do you want to go down as an accomplice to all of this, or do you want to help us find his equipment? We don’t have a warrant for your house. But we do have listed on the warrant for Mark that the properties he’s helped you with be handed over. We will need that list, if nothing else.”

Griffin let his words hang in the air.

Mindy, after a few minutes of silence, tapped a few keys on her computer before the printer went off. She swiped the papers from the device and flung them across the desk.

“Your list. Now get out.”

Griffin gathered the papers, nodding. “You might want to get him a good lawyer. Because it is now my life’s mission to make sure he never sees the outside of a prison.”

They left without another word.

The list of properties she handed over was long. Too long. They’d never make it through it all in one day. But they decided to start at the top and make their way down and get as much done with the few hours they had left.

Griffin knew after the first house they visited it would take forever. The couple renting the house a few doors down from Eve were shocked and disgusted when they found cameras all over the house. The only solace Griffin could give them was the culprit was in custody. He couldn’t give them any more than that until he found Mark’s base of operation.

He didn’t make it home until nine o’clock. He’d called Eve to let her know he’d be late. He figured he’d be crawling into her bed after a long, exhausting day. To his delightful surprise, he found her waiting in his bed. She’d made supper and prepared a plate waiting to be heated up for him. The food was delicious, the shower he took was quick, and the moment he pulled her into his arms, he knew everything would be okay.

Maybe it wasn’t so farfetched to think she wouldn’t leave. She’d had a choice to stay at her place and she chose him instead.

He fell asleep with good vibes flowing around him.

Eve turned on the radio,humming to the merry Christmas tune coming out of the speakers. To think, a few months ago she couldn’t stand the holiday. Now she was turning on the station Sleighville had to purposefully listen to Christmas music. And she wasn’t even at the cafe!

“Whoa. You’re listening to something different.” Griffin came up behind her, kissing her neck.

She bagged the sandwich she had finished making and tossed it into his lunch bag, then turned around in his arms.

“I’m feeling Christmassy today.”

He cocked a brow. “On your day off?”

She couldn’t hide the smirk brewing. “I’m not going into the cafe today, but I’m planning on doing some baking. I want to try something new, but I want you all to taste test it this weekend before I suggest Juliet sells it.” She shrugged, turning her gaze to his chest, embarrassed to admit it. “I’ve gotten used to baking with holiday music in the background. I’m afraid I need it for my inspiration.”

Griffin put a finger under her chin, gently raising her gaze back to his. “You can do anything you put your mind to. With or without Christmas music. I know for a fact that whatever you plan on concocting will be delicious. I can’t wait to try it. What is it?”

“Not telling. Not yet.” She twisted slightly, grabbed his lunch bag, and put it between them. “Have a good day at work.”

He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. She knew why. He’d worked all day yesterday, going through the list of other properties, finding cameras in every one. Most officers were helping with it as it was a huge undertaking. It left little time to find where Mark kept his base of operations. The weasel wasn’t talking. Asked for a lawyer and hadn’t said a word since. But she knew Griffin was determined. He’d find everything and shut it all down. Remove all traces of people’s privacy being violated.

Griffin took the lunch bag and then opened the fridge to grab an energy drink.

“I can swing by for lunch. We can eat together.”

She swiveled back to the counter to clean up her mess. “No, you focus on what you need to do today. I’ll be fine alone. I was planning on baking in your house, if that’s okay. We stay over here more than mine, and you have more ingredients than I do.”

Which wasn’t a lie. But it also wasn’t the full truth.
