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“Let’s do it. I may not be a Stuart, but I don’t quit either.”

Griffin chuckled. “That’s why you’re the one helping me.”

They got down to business getting the information they needed. Pouring through the many documents in front of them made his eyes blur. Nothing abnormal stuck out. Mindy wasn’t going to help them, but maybe Mark’s friends would have some insight.

Before they could reroute in that direction, the mayor’s office called informing them of the press statement Bryce intended to do. He had called a special meeting in the town hall for it. All citizens of Sleighville were invited to attend. Of course, it would be beneficial for the chief of police to be there as well.

He stood off to the right of the podium behind Bryce as he made a calm and collective statement regarding the arrest of Mark and his alleged crimes. It irked Griffin to the bone when Bryce used the word alleged. The man was guilty. There was no doubt in his mind. Though he knew that wasn’t how the court of law worked, and Bryce had to do his due diligence while speaking on the matter. Griffin could tell from the people who had attended that their anxiety levels reduced from the moment they had walked in. Bryce always had that special way with people. Using flowery words to instill a sense of peace when in reality it was a shitshow.

The room was filled to the brim, not an empty seat in the place. Griffin wasn’t surprised. Over twenty properties had been affected by Mark. That made for a lot of angry, violated people. Neighbors, family, and friends angry and violated on their behalf as well.

He’d texted Eve about the meeting, inviting her to come if she wished, but she had declined. He understood that. He didn’t want to be here either. As soon as this thing ended, he was going home. Going to decompress from the treacherous day with the woman he loved.

Once Bryce finished his speech, hands lifted in the audience. Too many questions and not all could be answered.

The anxiety rose again, wiping out all the hard work Bryce’s words had accomplished.

It was going to be a long night.

Eve looked around each room,wondering if she had forgotten anything. She hadn’t packed much. Necessities that would come in handy. Things that would look normal for leaving on such short notice.

Nothing was normal though.

The clock on the wall said it was well past suppertime. Griffin could be home soon, or he’d be even longer. It didn’t matter how long it took, she’d wait for him. She had made a promise, and she wouldn’t break it. Even if it gutted her inside to wait.

Her car was loaded and ready to go. She had close to a full tank, so she’d get a good distance before having to stop. Oh, and she wouldn’t stop tonight. She’d drive as far as she could.

A knock on the front door startled her. She blew out a deep breath as she walked from the bedroom to the door, peering through the hole before disarming the alarm and opening the door to Griffin.

He stepped in, kissed her on the lips, then sighed. It wasn’t a sigh that meant he knew what she was up to. It was one displaying how tired he looked. Here she was about to blow his world apart even more.

“I saw all the goodies on the counter. You were busy. It smelled delicious in there. I was surprised you weren’t among the goodies. Are we staying at your house tonight?”

“No, not tonight.”

His smile wavered. “Okay. Do I have to wait for Juliet and Bryce tomorrow to try anything sitting on the counter? I hope not.”

She forced a smile out, hoping to ease the discomfort forming on his face. But nothing would ease the blow she was about to give. “No, you can have as many as you like whenever you want.”

He frowned. “Are you okay?”

No, she wasn’t. She didn’t think she’d ever be okay again. He knew her so well, not that she was great about hiding her emotions. She sucked at it.

“I have to leave.”

His frown turned into a puzzled expression. “A few more details would be nice. I’m not understanding.”

Spit it out!

“It’s time for me to leave. You asked that I keep a promise. That when I wanted to leave I let you know. This is me letting you know.”

Griffin took a step back, shaking his head. “Why are you suddenly wanting to up and leave? Out of nowhere? What happened today?”

Nothing she planned to share with him. For his own safety. He wouldn’t understand if she tried to tell him.

“My car is packed. I have what I need. I don’t feel comfortable taking the things you let me use, so I’m leaving all of those things. I appreciate you letting me borrow them.”

“No, you’re not going to ignore me, Eve. I want to know what happened today.”
