Page 12 of Everybody Knows

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“No. It was just for tonight.” He pushed away from the wall with his foot and turned, taking a small step closer to me. “You will be going on the rest of the tour with the band?”


“I have been watching you today. You are a writer?”

“Not yet, but maybe one day. I’m studying journalism. I’m writing about the tour as… practice, I guess,” I explained.

“They are very lucky to have such a beautiful woman with them.” He smiled again, his head tilting to the side slightly as his eyes flicked up and down my body again. Maybe he wasn’t so bad. After all, he certainly had the charm thing down.

Score another point for France. Not only was there magic in the air, but the men also had, if not class, at least better pickup lines than,‘All right, love? Fancy a bag of chips and a shag?’

“Is that so?” I asked.

“Yes.” He took another small step toward me. “That is so.”

Julien leaned closer to me, his hands lightly resting on my waist, and he whispered, “I would really like to kiss you.”

I hesitated for a moment, considering his request.Well, why the hell not?He was gorgeous, and I did promise myself I’d experience some things while I was away. At what other point in my life had I been given the opportunity to kiss someone who would probably one day adorn the covers of romance novels?

“I’d like that too,” I told him, smiling.

As his hands moved down to my hips, I rested mine on his waist. His kiss was as smooth as he was, his tongue flicking into my mouth before I even had time to blink. I relaxed into him, and I swear I felt him smile against my lips. I hadn’t had many kisses, but this was by far one of the best. His lips were soft and gentle, and his tongue danced expertly with mine.

Except, he didn’t stop.

I tried to turn my head a little, hoping he’d take the hint. He didn’t. He just held me tighter and continued to move his mouth over mine. Hoping he was just crap at reading signals, I wriggled in his grip, then moved my hands to his chest to push him back, but he closed the gap between us, pushing my hands down to my sides and holding my wrists so I couldn’t move. My heart rate kicked up a few notches. His strength made it so easy for him to overpower me, and when I tried to free my hands, he held on tighter.

“Stop,” I managed to say, turning my head away from him.

“So soon? I thought we were going to have some fun.”

“Yeah. I’m done,” I stated firmly.

He let go of one of my hands and gripped my chin, forcing my face back to his. His eyes glimmered, but not in a good way. In fact, there was a coldness to them. Clearly, he wasn’t used to hearing the word ‘no,’ and the speed of his mood change sent a shiver through me.

“Well, I am notdone,” he replied with finality, and my heart beat faster, pounding quicker than the beats drifting out from inside the club.

Julien moved me back against the wall in almost the exact spot Jason had pressed the skank from the bar.Unfair judgment. You just did the exact same thing as her… albeit more hesitantly.What the hell was I thinking? Julien kissed me again, and there was nowhere I could go. He had me so firmly pressed against the wall I couldn’t move at all, and as he grabbed my wrists again, my stomach churned and fear took me in its hold.

Stupid, stupid girl!

“Julien, please. I just want to go back inside.”

“And I want what you promised me.” He slipped one hand underneath my top, his fingers sliding over my skin and roughly closing over my breast. He released a moan, and tears sprang to my eyes. There was no way he was going to stop.

I tried again to wriggle free as he pushed his hips against mine. “I promised you nothing,” I spat, trying to disguise my panic. The way my voice trembled betrayed me, and his eyes flashed again like he was getting off on how scared I was.

“Out here, all alone? You were asking for this.”

His hips pinned me to the spot as he squeezed my breast harder, reaching down to unzip his jeans with his other hand. My heart rate quickened, and a panic-induced sweat broke out across my forehead. I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t believe this was happening. I’d never been touched this way.

I couldn’t let my first time happen like this.

I wouldn’t.

I raised my hands, trying hard to shove him away as tears dripped down my cheeks.

“Get the fuck off her! Now!” Julien backed away quickly at the sound of Drew’s bellow, and my body sagged with relief.

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