Page 74 of Crown Me, Baby

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He comes to me and picks me up, cradling me in his arms as if I weigh nothing at all. I slide my hand up his arm, then his neck, and finally stroke his face.

He carries me over to the bed and sets me down. I watch him as he undresses. I run my eyes over every part of him, and I help him unwrap my gift, marveling at the definition in his arms and chest.

He lies down beside me. With only the tip of one finger, he traces the deep V in the front of my nightgown.

“I love you.”

“I love you so much.”

He kisses me. Inside me, the urgency rises, but his lips and hands touch me with such exquisite tenderness, I don’t ever want it to end. I slide my hands around his body. Feeling his biceps and pecs sends shivers through me. He’s so strong.

This is the man who has sworn his life to me, promised to live for me. I slide my hand down over his stomach and go lower, then wrap my hand around his turgid, stiff, pulsating shaft.

I grab him firmly and slide my hand up and down. He moans into my mouth. His fingers move delicately up and down my body. Then he starts sliding the skirt of my nightgown up, and the feel of the lace riding up against my skin is thrilling.

He lowers himself on top of me, feeling my skin with his hands, merging perfectly. He balances his weight on his forearms, and I grab them like they’re my possession.

Then I slowly run my hands up to his shoulders and down his back. He pushes one knee between my legs, then the other. I slide my legs apart for him.

He kisses me and then raises his head. I stare into his eyes. He pushes inside me, inch by inch slowly. The deeper he gets inside me, the more connected we are. Until there’s no separation at all.

He slides slowly almost all the way out of me and then back in. Then we start moving together. After this, we belong to each other forever. It’s a ceremony as sacred as our vows.

Every move he makes, my body responds automatically. The perfection of it drives the excitement higher and higher. I’m so close.

“I love you.”

The words come crashing down on me and then I explode. I feel myself tighten up around him, and he cries out. Everything ceases to exist except him, me, and the exquisite pleasure we bring each other.

I reach up and stroke his face. He grabs my hand and kisses my palm.

We stare at each other. I don’t know what to say, then I realize I don’t have to say anything. Because he already knows.



We sit in my favorite café in a little village up on the bluffs where my family used to go for long weekends in the summer. Next door is a gelato place that I love. I planned today especially so she would be able to feel the open air after being cooped up in the cities.

When Bella asked to go to Solvaria on our honeymoon, I didn’t like the idea at first. I wanted to take her on an adventure somewhere she had never been. She wanted to see all my old haunts since I had seen all of hers, and it seemed only fair. Marriage is a compromise.

We’ve spent the last week in Solvaria’s major cities seeing where I was educated. She’s particularly taken with my college years at Solvaria University and the summers I spent at political conferences in the major cities and abroad.

Today, on the other hand, I brought her to one of our favorite getaways, an estate that’s been in the family for generations. It’s the height of freedom, a mountain retreat with the entire world below opening before us. We can see the crystal blue sea from here, and it’s a quick jaunt by horseback, by car, or by bike.

“Why don’t we go back to Virka next week? It’s been a while since we were in the capital.”

I shrug. “We could.” She’s staring out at the glassine blue water, and I move to catch her eye before slipping the invitation out of my pocket. The velvety card glosses over her fingers as she feels the embossed lettering.

After looking at it for a moment, she squeals. “A ball!”

I never thought fancy parties would suit my little rancher, but I’m learning all sorts of new things about her. Apparently, every little girl grows up dreaming of fancy balls. All I wanted to do as a kid was escape them. Now, though, I appreciate it. They’re a lovely tradition.

“Father invited us when he heard we were in the country. We’ll go in a day early to find you a gown. Then we can spend the day with the family getting massages and eating until our clothes don’t fit anymore. What do you say?”

I think she’ll pop out of her chair with excitement. After lunch and a giant scoop of her favorite gelato, I take her to an art gallery showing the work of an artist collective who came here to capture the mustangs on the Solvarian grasslands. The horses are semi-wild, living on a reservation, and the representations are spectacular.

There is a hall of paintings, a hall of photography, and a hall of sculpture. When Bella comes into the building that is full of horses, I can tell she has mixed feelings about it because she misses hers so much. But when she enters the hall of paintings, she halts in disbelief.
