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The guy was a fucking idiot for cheating on her. She was right; he did deserve to have his ass kicked. But I didn’t want to see her in jail for attempting to teach him a lesson.

“Jail time worth it?” I asked her. “Because if you’d continued, that’s exactly where you’d be fucking headed. Straight to a goddamn holding cell at the Washington County jail. You ready for that kind of consequence, doll? Because jail ain’t fucking pretty.”

She stomped back over to me, anger vibrating her curvy frame. And fuck, it turned me on. “I had it handled. I knew what I was doing.”

I snorted and got off my bike, towering over her. “Did you really, Lennox? I don’t think you did. You weren’t even aware of your surroundings. You had no clue that a loud-ass bike had slowed down. Didn’t even notice headlights. Had no fucking clue someone was even sneaking up on you until I said something. So did you really have it handled, Lennox?”

Her teeth audibly ground together. “You’re a dick,” she seethed.

I chuckled and grabbed her wrist. “I know,” I grunted as I towed her toward the porch. I twisted the door handle, sighing when I saw she hadn’t bothered locking it. Jesus Christ, she was a piece of work. “But I’m a dick who cares about what the hell happens to you.”

She yanked her wrist out of my hold once we were inside. Once I shut the door, I made a show of twisting the deadbolt and the small lock, shooting her a pointed look. She scowled at me. “Make sure you learn to lock your doors,” I told her. I prowled to the back door and locked that one too, shaking my head. “Christ, you act like people don’t get robbed and killed in this country.”

Lennox planted her hands on her hips as I began checking her windows to make sure they were locked, and thankfully, she at least had the common sense to keep those locked. “I live in the middle of nowhere,” she deadpanned. “Who the hell is going to bother me?”

“Serial killers, strung-out drug addicts needing something to pawn to get their next fix, rapists, kidnappers…” I ticked a finger for each one.

“I could hit you,” she muttered.

I shrugged and walked into the kitchen. “Hit me then, doll.” I opened her fridge and began pulling out eggs and bacon to make us a late breakfast-style dinner. “I’m hungry. You want something to eat?”

She sighed and sank onto the bar stool, looking tired. “Just make yourself at home,” she sarcastically muttered. I chose to ignore her. “And yeah—three fried eggs and six slices of bacon. And get me that bottle of wine out of the fridge.”

I grabbed it, twisted the top off, and slid it over to her. “You need me to grab you a glass for it, or are you a tough little thing that drinks straight from the bottle?”

Finally a smile tilted her lips, the anger seeming to die out of her. “I drink from the bottle.”

I winked at her. “My kind of woman.”



Lennox pointed her fork at me. “I don’t even know why I loved him so much.” She snorted. “Honestly, the sex wasn’t even worth sticking around for. Why is it always the ones with shit dick game that end up cheating?”

I coughed to cover my laugh. “Why waste your time on a man that doesn’t even know how to fuck?” I countered.

She dropped her fork to her plate, her brow arching at me. “Are you saying you know how to fuck, Harlan?”

I smirked at her and leaned across the counter a little, arching a brow. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

Pursing her lips, she picked up her wine bottle and eyed me over the rim before raising the damn near half-empty bottle to her lips. “I would,” she finally confessed as she set the bottle back down. “Men like you like to talk out your ass. I want to put it to the test.”

Fuck. My dick hardened behind my zipper in a fucking snap. Christ. A woman like Lennox was damn dangerous for me. Exactly my type with that fiery personality and no filter on her mouth. And those damn curves… She had no idea what kind of feast she was laying out before me.

And damn if I wasn’t going to take full advantage of it.

“I don’t think you know what you’re asking for,” I rumbled. Because I wouldn’t be gentle. In fact, I had a very vivid image of her being bent over the back of the couch while I fucked her from behind.

Precum leaked from the tip of my cock.

She moved onto her knees and threw a leg over my lap before seating herself right on my cock. She was so warm between her thighs that I almost moaned. Instead, I groaned and gripped her hips, my fingertips digging in. She rolled her hips against me, and that was it. My restraint snapped like a rubber band pulled too tight.
