Page 39 of Single Stroke

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“Jaaaaax,” she moaned.

“What do you want, my sweet mate?”

Louella’s back arched as he moved the hand on her abdomen the short distance over her breasts. He rolled and pinched her hardened nipples, sending bolts of pleasure straight to her core.

“Oh,God, youknowwhat I want,” she replied, her voice breathy and thrumming with eagerness.

“You receive me with joy,” he murmured as the bulbous tip of his cock pushed through the soft, slick-coated lips of her sex.

“Mmmm,” she hummed as he filled her, stretching her channel nearly to the point of pain, penetrating more deeply into her body than he would have been able if she’d remained merely human, touching more internal pleasure spots than any human woman boasted. In that moment, she did not miss the thick, curly hair that once sprouted from her scalp, the spread of wiry curls that once guarded her sex, the coarse hair sprouting from her legs and armpits that she’d quickly learned to ignore while hiding from the Sivuul. Louella had not been ashamed of her body’s natural growth of hair, even though modern human society prized an all-but-hairless woman.

Little that was natural to the human body shamed her, although she would have preferred to have been able to model the perfection of medical charts for height and weight. However, she’d remained heavier than the ideal for her height which was taller than most women—and a lot of men. Her nipped-in waist had been offset a shapely butt, thick thighs, and big boobs. Other African American men had admired her curvaceous figure, but not enough to want more than a few hours of fucking. A pregnancy scare when she was a teenager, combined with her then-boyfriend who’d denied any responsibility, taught her the fickleness of the boys in her neighborhood.

Understanding the brokenness of her community at an early age was a harsh lesson that, once instilled, held strong into adulthood. Before traveling to Ahn’hudin, she’d been celibate for six years.

Her best friend, Marisol, had learned that lesson even sooner, thanks to a gangbanger brother who’d fathered six children out of wedlock before he turned eighteen and supported none of them.

But none of those thoughts entered her mind as Louella clung to Yas’kihn for dear life as he drove her to one orgasm after another before finally shuddering with his own climax, filling her body with his musky essence. He cuddled her for several minutes, murmuring words of affection and praise and devotion into her ear as he continued to stroke her finely scaled hide with his big, clawed hands that exerted such gentle care to never prick or scratch her flesh.

She did not protest when he rose and scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bathroom to cleanse her of their passion. She meekly submitted when he draped a light, filmy gown over her body, something reminding her of a Greek chiton, but asked, “Don’t you think this is a bit too revealing, Jax?”

“A display of your beauty only means that I am strong enough to defend and protect you,” he said. “Any male who importunes you risks my claws, fangs, and blades.”

“Not if they do it from a distance,” she muttered under her breath.

Yas’kihn pretended not to hear the comment. Instead, he pulled on his black leather battle kilt—cleaned overnight by the palace’s domestic droids—and belted it low over his hips. After checking to confirm the overlap was correctly centered over his tail, he took Louella’s hand in his and said as he moved forward, “The priest waits for us.”

“What about breakfast?” she objected, tugging on her hand as her stomach growled.

“We’ll eat after the ceremony.”

“What ceremony?” she asked, skipping after him because he kept a tight hold on her hand.

They left their quarters, leaving the dreadful collar and leash behind. A brace of Kaanian warriors fell into step behind them.

Yas’kihn explained, “The ceremony whereby we are bound to one another for all to recognize and heed.”

She tugged her hand, again to no avail, as he towed her along. “We’re getting married?”

He tilted his head. “I do not know this term,married.”

“Um, it’s when a man and a woman decide to be partners for the rest of their lives and raise children,” she blurted after a second’s thought to provide a definition she thought he’d understand. It was better than trying to explain the human concept of love and divorce, much less try to stumble through explanations of open marriages, swingers, and the like. She’d already gathered that Ahn’hudi males did not date and probably did not approve of what they’d consider the loose morals and fast behavior of human women in modern society. She wasn’t sure Jax wouldn’t condemn the loose morals and fast behavior of humanmenin modern society. These Ahn’hudi maleswantedto find their forever mates, raise families, and devote themselves to the traditional lives eschewed by all too many human men who wanted nothing more than physical pleasure without emotional attachment.

Louella wasn’t quite sure anymore why she resisted or tried to resist Jax’s claim upon her. He was everything she wanted: strong, devoted, gainfully employed. She nearly laughed at that one.Gainfully employed.Hah! He’s the fucking emperor now!She gulped.Oh, God, he’s the emperor!

What did that mean for her?

As she pondered her circumstances, Jax led her through a door into a new room she’d never seen. Of course, she reminded herself she hadn’t really seen much Kaan-shar, which she’d begun to think was a vast imperial compound much like ancient China’s Forbidden City. There were two Ahn’hudi males in the room who appeared to be waiting for them.

“Who are they?” she whispered, ignoring the two Kaanian guards who stationed themselves at the door.

The taller of the two spoke first. “I am Admiral Sor’Ulen mek Yirog, my lady.”

The other male introduced himself. “I am Pator Herrimond, high priest of the Solari, the creator spirit who endows us with might, wisdom, and honor. We gather here now to celebrate your mated union and officially recognize it. You will receive the Solari’s blessing for a harmonious and fruitful union and receive the accouterments of bonded mates. I will record your union for Ahn’hudi’s official record.”

Louella looked at the transparent cloth of her dress and her bare feet and blushed with embarrassment, then heated with fury. She hissed at Jax, “I’m practically naked in front of a priest, you dumbass! How dare you?”

The priest merely flicked a cool glance at Yas’kihn who ordered, “Hush.”
