Page 111 of Prince of Sin

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Teddy pulls back to look at me, his blue eyes shimmering with tears. "I don't care what I do as long as I'm doing it with you," he says before kissing me tenderly. Our tears intermingle, salty and sweet, as our lips meet.

My gaze darts to the floor, searching for the fallen ring. When I spot it, I pick it up. Teddy holds out his hand, but hesitates. "You don't need to decide now," he tells me. "I'll always be waiting for you. However long it takes."

I smile, slipping the ring onto my finger. "Thank you," I whisper as his familiar grin spreads across his face.

Suddenly, I'm lifted into the air—Teddy cradling me like a precious treasure. We leave the church together, waving goodbye to my sisters who cheer us on with bittersweet smiles.

Teddy settles me into his car, the memory of our first encounter surging back. He starts the engine and looks at me, his eyes searching mine.

"Where do you want to go?" he asks.

"Anywhere," I tell him. "Because being with you means I'm already home."

He smiles and a tear drops from his eye. He brushes it aside and pops a cassette tape into the stereo. The opening notes of "Closing Time" by Semisonic fill the car, and I can't help but feel a sense of closure.

"I know who I want to take me home..."

As he drives us down the winding roads, the weight of the world lifts off my shoulders, and for the first time since I can remember, I fall into a blissful sleep.


I stand at the threshold of the large room, watching Raven sitting in a circle on the floor with a few other children. It's hard not to smile as I see her – she's absolutely radiant. It didn't take me long to figure out that Raven was gonna need some purpose when she left the convent, and it just so happens I knew the perfect one.

Found this foundation, right? Its purpose is to help kids who've suffered abuse, and Raven's been volunteering there while she's in school to become a clinical social worker. Every damn day, she grows brighter and more vibrant, and my heart swells just looking at her. She hugs each kid in turn, and another volunteer takes over.

As she makes her way over to me, I can't help but marvel at how much shit can change in such a short time. I had this long-ass discussion with Constantino, telling him straight up I couldn't be part of this war he was starting. He griped about it pretty hard, claiming I was abandoning the family and him. But I told him it was my decision, and I had never wanted any part of the family biz from the get-go.

He eventually accepted my decision, not like he had much choice. But he still called me as much of a sellout as Primo and Giovanni. I know he's pissed, but I also know there's no stopping what he's started, and I can't be part of it, especially if innocents are gonna get hurt.

"Hey," Raven says softly as she reaches me, her hazel eyes filled with warmth.

"Hi," I reply, pulling her into a tight embrace. "How was it today?"

"Amazing, as always," she answers, her voice muffled against my chest. "These kids... they're so strong, you know? They've been through so much."

"Like you," I say, and I can feel her smile against me. "You've got a lotta love to give, and they need it."

"Thank you for finding this place for me," she says, pulling back to look into my eyes. "It's helped me heal too, in ways I never thought possible."

"Anything for you, Darkness," I say, and I mean it. We may be surrounded by darkness, but we're determined to carve out our own little corner of light. And I'll be damned if I let anything or anyone hurt her again.

"Thanks for picking me up," Raven says, her eyes sparkling as I open the car door for her.

"Of course, baby," I reply with a grin. We slide into the car, and she shoots me a curious look. "Got something special planned for us today."

"Really?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. I just smile, switch on the radio, and hit the gas. As we drive, Steal my Sunshine by Len starts playing, and I can't help but sing along.

I know it's up for me...

Glancing over at Raven, I give her a playful nudge. "C'mon, I wanna hear you sing too."

She shakes her head, laughing. "No way, you know I don't sing."

"Ah, but you're about to," I say, turning up the volume so loud that it drowns out everything else. "See? Now you can sing without anyone hearing you!"

Raven smiles and laughs, finally joining in.

If you steal my sunshine...
