Page 57 of Prince of Sin

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"Jesus, man," I say to him. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to hear most of what you and Marco were talking about."

"Okay," I say. "And?"

"And, why is he talking to you about that stuff at all?"

"Fuck if I know," I reply, motioning for another drink. "If you heard the conversation, then you heard my answer."

"Yes, I know," Primo replies. "Do the Irish know that we were behind Father Murphy's death?" he asks.

"No, and it needs to stay that way," I say. "Because, you and Giovanni fucked the situation up with the Westies so bad and then handed it off to me. The fact that there's not already been an all-out war between us is a miracle."

"Yes, I know," Primo says. "But, we have to be careful in today's environment. If they know for a fact that it was us, that'll give them the final justification they need to formally revoke our tentative alliance. Let them wonder whether it was another family. It keeps the peace for a little bit longer while we can plan our next defensive move."

"You mean whileIcan plan our next defensive move. Giovanni all but bailed on the family. I mean, I get it, but still. And you're present less and less every day. When are you going to just stop helping altogether?"

Primo doesn't answer my question. "Call a cab, Teddy," he says as he takes the third drink I'm being handed away from me. "Get some sleep. You've had a long day."

"Okay, Dad," I respond dramatically.

Primo leaves the table. I'm surprised he's out so late with Isabella as pregnant as she is.

I look around the bar for Frankie. I decide to head toward the back to see if she's there waiting for me. I make my way down the dimly lit hallway. I open the utility closet door, and just like I figured, she's there waiting for me.

"I knew you couldn't resist me," she says as I close the door behind me.

I make a shushing sound as I back her up to the wall. She giggles as she begins to pull her shirt over her head. I lean in to kiss her, thinking this is going to be a quick and dirty fuck like it always is with her.

But, I have to stop.

I break the kiss and back away from her.

"What?" she asks confused. "What is it?"

I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to face my new reality. I force myself forward and try and kiss her again.

And, it happens again and I'm backing away even faster this time.

"Teddy?" she huffs. "What the heck is going on."

"I . . . I don't know," I say. "I'm sorry, but, I can't."

"You can't?" I can see the hurt on her face. I don't mean to make her feel bad.

I put my hands up to try and comfort her. "I promise, it's not you," I say, but she's already grabbing her shirt and trying to cover herself. "Maybe I've had too much to drink," I try and explain.

She scoffs. "That's never stopped you before."

She's right about that. I've fucked Frankie and a host of other people in this closet while I was too drunk to even see.

"I'm sorry," I say to her. "But, I've got to go."

She's calling after me, but I'm already out of the closet and out the back door of the bar. I know it's not safe for me to walk the two miles back to the mansion, but the crisp night air feels too good.

As the steps add up under my feet, my mind starts to clear. With each step I take, my situation becomes clearer and clearer.

I couldn't kiss Frankie in that closet.
