Page 65 of Prince of Sin

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"Yes, she's with me," I say through gritted teeth. "And I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your eyes and hands off of her."

Declan chuckles, but the sound lacks any humor. "You think you're the only one who can appreciate a beautiful woman like her?"

Raven's becoming increasingly tense under my hand and I know I need to start winding down this dinner.

"I'm sure you have plenty of women to appreciate, Declan," I say.

His eyes narrow. "Yes, but it's not every day that I get to experience a pretty little virgin like this one."

I'm basically seeing red at this point. Like bright, murderous, blood and guts on the floor red. Somehow, I manage to keep it together.

"Not sure what you mean," I say to him. "But, it's getting late. If there's nothing else," I start to say, getting up out of the booth.

"What I mean," Declan says, reaching his hand out and wrapping it around Raven's arm. "Is that it's not every day I get to see a woman of the church baring her tits and ass for the world to see. I think I'd like to experience a piece of that for myself. Maybe get a little closer to heaven."

I'm ready to explode. My hands ball into fists and I take a step forward, ready to unleash all of my pent-up rage from the evening. I'm so angry that I don't even connect the dots that Declan seems to know Raven's true identity. Or, rather, her connection to the church and to Father Murphy. Strictly speaking, I'm not sure what her true identity is these days.

But, before I can do anything, Raven speaks up. Her voice is strong and clear as she grabs Declan's hand with her own and pushes it away from her body.

"You must have me confused with someone else," she says. "And, I'm not here for your entertainment," she says firmly.

Declan looks taken aback by her sudden display of strength, but he recovers quickly and laughs.

"You got yourself a little spitfire here, Teddy," he says, his eyes sparkling with something that could almost be admiration. He glances at me and adds, "You should be proud of your little nun."

I can feel the tension in the air dissipate as everyone relaxes a bit. The corner of my mouth quirks up into a small smile as I look over at Raven admiringly.

"Again," she says, showing her strength once more. "You must have me confused with someone else."

"Oh, right, right," Declan responds, waving his hand dismissively. "My mistake."

"Is there anything else?" I say, not wanting to sit back down in the booth but also not wanting to escalate things further.

Declan turns to look at me. "No," he replies. "Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding and Father Murphy will show up."

"Maybe," is all I can manage to say in response.

"And, maybe your brothers will give us an answer to our demand before we start to feel offended by their silence," he adds.

"Maybe," I say again.

"You two go," Declan says, leaning back and taking his final sip of whiskey. "We'll see each other in a few days' time anyway."

I nod and turn to look at Raven. She slides out of the booth and takes my hand in hers, pulling me away from the table and towards the exit. We make our way out of the restaurant without looking back.

The air outside is cool and fresh. We stand there for a moment, both seemingly taken aback by what just happened. I can feel my heart racing in my chest, the adrenaline from the confrontation still coursing through me.

I look over at Raven and see her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. She looks beautiful and so full of life. I can feel her grip on my hand still. It makes me want to take her in my arms and never let go.

She turns to look at me and I feel myself falling into her beautiful hazel eyes again. The electricity between us is palpable, like a living thing begging us to act upon it. She stares back up at me and I am completely enamored with her. Before either of us can say anything, I take hold of her shoulders and push her gently against the brick wall behind us.

We stand there for what feels like an eternity, lost in each other's gazes, unable to break away from one another.

"You were incredible," I finally manage to say to her.

My breath is labored. It feels like I've run a marathon, but the effort comes from the fact that I'm desperately trying to hold myself back from fucking her against this very wall.

Her own chest is heaving. Her beautiful cleavage rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. Clearly she doesn't know what she's doing to me.
