Page 70 of Prince of Sin

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It was Carmine and my cock pretty instantly deflates.

"What are you still doing here?" I say to him.

"Let's stay on topic, Teddy," he replies.

"Why do you get to pick the topic?" I ask. "Seems extremely one-sided."

"Teddy," he says, his voice stern.

"Man, you really know how to ruin a good thing." I open my door up a little bit further. "Alright, come on," I say to him. "Let's get this over with."

He walks into my room and sits down on my sofa. But, he does it in Carmine fashion, meaning he's sitting mostly upright and on the edge of the sofa. Basically, he's the only person I know who can make sitting on a sofa look uncomfortable.

I lean against the wall and let out a big yawn. "What do you want, Carmine?" I finally say to him.

"Why were you at dinner with Declan O'Leary?"

"Because Primo asked me to go," I reply. Carmine's always had an affinity for what goes on among the family, but lately he's stepped a little further than makes me comfortable.

"What was the purpose of the dinner?" he asks.

"To cover for Primo," I say, making a "duh" face.

I can see the frustration on Carmine's face. He's usually pretty reserved, but I've known him since we were kids and I also know how to push his buttons real good.

"Yes. We've established that, Teodoro," he says.

"Teddy," I interrupt. "Like the bear, please."

He pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath. "Teddy, what did you and Declan O'Leary discuss at this dinner?"

"He tried to accuse us of murdering Father Murphy."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," I reply. "Which, of course, we did do. But, I obviously didn't tell him that."

Carmine shakes his head at my antics. "How did you leave it with him?"

"Well, he tried to hit on my date," I start to say.

"You brought a date with you?"

"Yes," I reply.

"Who and why?"

"Raven and because Primo told me to."

"The nun?"

"Yes," I say.

"How can you confirm that she's trustworthy?" he asks.

I give him an incredulous look. "She's a nun."

"All the more reason for her to rat us out. We don't exactly deal in the currency of our Lord and Savior."
