Page 84 of Prince of Sin

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As Raven approaches me nervously, I admire her beauty. Her black hair frames her face perfectly, even in its "just woken up" state, and those hazel eyes seem to pierce into my very soul. With a quick motion, I grab her and pull her into me. She lets out the cutest yelp, and I immediately press my lips against hers in a passionate kiss.

"Still worried about someone seeing us?" I tease, pulling back from the kiss just enough to speak. To prove my point, I turn my head and yell at the top of my lungs. The sound echoes around the empty mansion, bouncing off the walls and high ceilings. No one comes running, no one even stirs. Grinning, I turn back to face her. "See? We're alone. No staff. No soldiers. Just us."

I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and kiss her again. It's so easy to kiss Raven. She really is like darkness – she consumes me, envelopes me, and fills my every thought. Her body relaxes, and as the sheet falls away, my hands roam her soft skin once more. I hadn't meant to start this with her right now, but it seems my desire for her is stronger than my self-control.

Breaking the kiss, I turn her around in my arms, pressing my chest against her back. I lick my palm before sliding it down her body until I find her already wet pussy. Groaning softly into her ear, I kiss her neck and whisper, "You're so deliciously wet for me."

"Are we really going to do this here?" she asks hesitantly, her voice breathless. "Out in the open like this?"

"Absolutely," I reply without hesitation, my fingers teasing her clit while my other hand toys with a nipple. "It's even hotter this way. I'd want to take you like this even if there were people around, just so everyone can see that you belong to me and me alone."

Her knees start to shake as I work her higher and higher. "Do you like the idea of that?" I ask. "Being seen like this?"

"Yes," she breathes, her voice barely audible over her own moans. "I want to explore everything with you."

"Me too," I agree, feeling her walls clench around my fingers as she comes with a moan of my name. The sound sends shivers down my spine, and for a brief moment, all I can think about is how much I want her – how much I need her.

My heart races with the thought of bending Raven over a random piece of furniture in the mansion and fucking her senseless, but I decide not to. She turns around after she's recovered from her orgasm, her eyes meeting mine. "Can I make you feel good?" she asks, her voice soft and sultry.

"Raven," I say, the sound of her name on my lips sending shivers down my spine, "you always make me feel good just by being around you. And as much as I want to take you right now and hear you screaming my name as I rock my cock in and out of you, I actually want to be hard for you as we go throughout the day." I pause, grinning, then add, "Edge myself to the thought of burying my cock in your warm heat again."

She furrows her brow, clearly not understanding what I mean. I raise an eyebrow and grab her hand, leading her to the kitchen, both of us still naked. She sits down gingerly on one of the barstools as I start cooking breakfast, the sizzle of the frying eggs filling the air.

"Hey," I ask her, trying to keep the conversation light, "what were your sexual experiences like after we were together in high school?"

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment, and she looks down at her hands. "I... I don't really want to talk about it," she admits.

I walk over to her, kneeling in front of her, my eyes locked on hers. "You shouldn't be embarrassed, Darkness. Tell you what: for every thing you tell me, I'll tell you something embarrassing I've done in return."

Her lips curve into a small smile, and the sight lights me up inside. "Okay," she agrees hesitantly. "You start."

I stand up and walk back over to the stove, flipping the eggs with a flick of my wrist.

"Alright, here's one for you," I say as I plate the eggs. "Once when I was super drunk, I fell asleep on top of a poor girl when I was trying to get her off." Raven laughs, the sound filling the room like music. I laugh at the memory, but I do still feel a little guilty since she got me off first.

Raven's smile fades, and she hesitates before speaking. "Things were pretty bad after I ran away. I hitchhiked across the country, and the people I met... they weren't always the nicest."

I glance over at her, concerned. "What do you mean, 'not the nicest'?"

She fidgets in her seat, her eyes downcast. I walk over to her, cupping her face in my hands. "Hey, you don't need to worry about being embarrassed. I want to know you, Raven. Your life, who you are, where you've been. None of it is going to change how I feel about you."

Taking a deep breath, she finally opens up. "I was raped a few times while I traveled. The first time, I tried to fight back, but I just got hurt worse. I was lucky to escape with my life. After that, I didn't fight. I just gave them what they wanted so I wouldn't get beaten up... at least, not usually."

My blood boils at her words. "Do you know who any of these guys are? Their names?"

She shakes her head, tears welling in her eyes. "No, I don't know."

It pains me to hear this. I'm not the kind of guy to go around killing people, but for Raven, I'd do it in a heartbeat and not even feel guilty. My chest tightens as I hold back my rage, focusing on her instead.

"Raven," I say softly, wiping away a tear that escapes down her cheek, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But I'm here now, and I'll do everything I can to make sure you never have to experience anything like that again."

Her eyes meet mine, and she nods, offering me a small, grateful smile. In this moment, I swear to myself, I'll protect her – no matter what it takes.

"I've never been with someone that I truly wanted to be with," she admits, her eyes locked on mine, "except for you." Hearing her say that makes my heart swell with happiness, but also fills me with a seething anger at the thought of those who hurt her.

"Alright, let's start something new together then," I say, bringing a plate of food over to her and sitting down next to her. I take her hands in mine, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine. "I'm going to erase the touch of every man that ever hurt you or used you. I want to show you how good things can be when you're with someone you choose to be with. How much fun two people can have exploring their bodies and their interests together."

Her eyes light up, filling with hope. "I'd really like that, Teddy."

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