Page 83 of Prince of Sin

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"Nothing," I reassure her. "Go back to sleep."

My anger flares up, and I struggle to keep my voice low. "I'm sick of your shit. If you don't like the way I'm running things, then you can leave any damn time. Your invitation to this mansion is revoked. If you want to visit, you can contact my assistant."

"Your assistant?" Carmine drawls. "You don't have one."

"Exactly," I snap. "So good luck with that."

They mutter something about me needing to take things seriously and do a better job leading, but I don't bother responding. I watch them leave, slamming the door behind them and locking it.

"Teddy," Raven murmurs, her eyes fluttering open as she stirs in my arms.

I kiss her forehead and lull her back to sleep.

As I carry her up the stairs to my room, I take a moment to appreciate the space that used to be my refuge. I never changed it much from when I used to live here as a kid.

The walls are covered in a mix of abstract paintings and concert posters, a testament to my love for music. A vintage record player sits on a shelf, surrounded by stacks of vinyl records – my attempt at holding onto the past, I guess.

The king-sized bed dominates the room, its dark wood frame contrasting against the white sheets and pillowcases. A plush gray carpet covers the floor, softening my footsteps as I walk across the room.

I gently lay Raven down on the bed, tucking the blanket around her. Her breathing evens out as she drifts back to sleep, and for the first time in a long while, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. I slide into bed next to her, curling my body around hers protectively.

With Raven in my arms, I allow myself to forget – just for a moment – all the bullshit surrounding me. The Irish, Enzo, and Carmine fade into the background, as if they're nothing more than a distant memory.

As I close my eyes, I let myself be lulled into a peaceful sleep by the sound of Raven's gentle breathing. For once, the loneliness and violence that have always been a part of my life seem to disappear, replaced by the warmth of the woman I love.


The morning sun streams through the curtains, casting warm golden rays across the room. I blink awake and find Raven lying next to me, her black hair splayed on the pillow like a dark halo, her delicate eyelashes fluttering as she stirs. Man, it feels so damn good to have her here, like it's the most natural thing in the world. I never want to wake up without her again.

"Hey," I whisper, my voice husky from sleep.

"Hey," she murmurs, blushing when she sees me staring. Her hazel eyes, always so full of mystery, meet mine.

"Want to go exploring?" I ask her with a grin.

"Exploring?" She raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I shrug. “Life’s felt stressful lately. Let's just have a random day around town. No plans, just see where the universe takes us. That's how I met you, after all."

"Okay." She smiles, and I can't help but roll over on top of her, kissing her softly before moving down to her neck. I start to tickle her, and she bursts into laughter, trying to tell me to stop between gasps for breath. I join her in laughter, kissing her again.

"Alright, alright!" she exclaims, finally wriggling out of bed. But I'm not done – I grab her, wrapping my hands around the front of her thighs, and pull her back, playfully nipping at her ass.

"Ouch!" she yelps, spinning around to face me. I give her a wicked grin. "You're crazy."

"Only for you," I admit, and she shakes her head, laughing again.

"But... I don't have anything to wear," she says, glancing around the room. "And I don't wanna walk through the mansion naked with everyone around."

"Hey, don't worry," I assure her. "I kicked everyone out."

"Really?" She looks surprised.

"Yep. They were seriously pissing me off, so out they went." I stand up, completely naked, and stride confidently to the bedroom door, flinging it open. "See? All ten thousand square feet just for us."

She laughs, but still clutches the sheet tightly around her as she follows me into the hallway. It's cute how shy she can be sometimes, even after everything we've been through.

"Trust me," I tell her, my voice softening. "There's no one here but us."
