Page 95 of Prince of Sin

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"Believe me, Teddy, it can always get worse," Enzo replies solemnly. "We've seen it before, and we'll see it again if we don't handle this situation carefully."

"Right, because marrying off the boss' son is such a genius fucking strategy," I mutter bitterly.

"Teddy," Enzo says, his voice taking on a gentle tone that surprises me. "You know as well as I do that this life isn't fair. Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices for the greater good. And sometimes, those sacrifices hurt like hell. But we do what needs to be done."

"Even if it means giving up any chance at happiness for ourselves?" I ask quietly, feeling the weight of his words settle onto my shoulders. Enzo looks at me with a mixture of sadness and understanding.

"Especially then."

* * *

Enzo left my room an hour ago and I'm still just pacing the floor. I can't get Raven out of my head. I can't get this whole damn situation out of my head.

I need someone to talk to about it. I wish Charlie were still alive. I could always talk to him.

I pick up my phone and call Primo. He answers immediately, concern lacing his voice. "Teddy, what's wrong? I can hear it in your voice."

"Primo, I need some guidance on the Irish situation," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Teddy, I'm sorry... Isabella is in labor, and we're at the hospital. I can't help you right now," he replies, genuine regret in his tone.

"Give her a kiss for me," I tell him, a bittersweet smile forming on my lips as I hang up the phone. My heart swells with happiness for my brother, but bitterness and resentment gnaw at me. Primo gets to be with the woman he loves, escaping this life of crime and violence while I'm stuck here, drowning in it.

I dial Giovanni next, but there's no answer. Frustration grows inside me, making my chest tight. With no one else to turn to, I decide to search for Carmine in the mansion.

The halls of the mansion feel like an icy labyrinth, each step echoing through the emptiness. I feel alone, lost, and fucking confused. Every inch of this place reminds me that Raven is still locked away beneath my feet, a constant ache in my heart.

As I continue my aimless wandering, I run into Father James. His calm presence is a welcome relief, even though I know he can't provide all the answers I seek.

"Father," I greet him, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.

"Teddy," he responds, his eyes filled with understanding. "You look troubled."

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckle bitterly. "I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm supposed to marry some girl I've never met so our family can strike a deal with the Irish. Meanwhile, Raven's trapped in that godforsaken dungeon, and I can't even trust my own instincts about her."

Father James sighs, a heavy weight settling on his shoulders. "I know this is difficult for you, Teddy. But sometimes, the right path isn't always the easiest one to walk. You must trust yourself and make the decisions you believe are best for everyone involved."

"Father James, I'm just...lost," I admit, the weight of my confession pressing down on me. "I went to see Raven like you suggested, but I think I only made things worse."

Father James' eyes soften with sympathy. "It's a difficult situation, Teddy. You can't expect to have all the answers."

"Yeah, well, I tried to get some help from Primo, Giovanni, Enzo, and even Carmine, but nobody has anything useful to offer." I run a hand through my hair in frustration. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Perhaps you need to turn to the prodigal son of the family," Father James suggests, his words ringing with a sense of finality.

"Constantino?" I try and play it off, but I wonder if Father James already knows he's in the area. Other than our one text exchange, I haven't spoken to my brother. He said he wanted to talk, and I'd agreed. But, I figured he would let me know when and where.

My relationship with my older brother has always been strained, but if there's one thing that unites us, it's our shared desire to protect our family.

"As I said, the best decision may not be the easiest." My eyes follow Father James as he walks away. I really wish church people were less mystically sometimes. Like, it would be way easier if they could just tell me what their man in the sky wanted me to do.

Would save me a lot of time, actually.

With a deep breath, I pull out my phone and dial Consty's number.

"Hey, it's Teddy," I say when he picks up, trying to keep my voice steady. "I need your help."

