Page 2 of Midnight Ascension

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In their arms, my shaky legs threaten to give way, but they support me until I reach where the five of them had been convened.

“Laelia,” Nicolai murmurs beside me, like he can’t quite believe I’m here, alive and in one piece. Cupping my cheeks, he stares into my eyes, and I think he’s going to say something, but the moment passes.

A low growl pulls my attention to Syn, who is still being held by Joel. “Let me go,” he hisses, thrashing against the other alpha. Joel says something to him in a low voice that I don’t catch.


That one word is all the warning I get before Syn barrels into me, pressing against me. He grips my face between his hands and stares into my eyes, much like Nicolai did a moment ago, but this is somehow more intense, like he doesn’t have the words to express himself, so he’s trying to communicate with his eyes instead. His pain radiates through the bond, and I hate how he’s hurting. Pressing his forehead against mine, he holds me as he slowly breathes in my scent. I can feel Joel close by, both because he feels the same pull to me as I do to him and so he can act if Syn turns feral. He’s not going to though. Now that we’re back together, I can feel his madness receding and my Syn returning.

“Can we please save this little reunion for later?” Atlas grinds out, and I see him still working his magic on the minotaur. He’s beginning to show strain from holding the ice in place, making his face tight. That’s exactly how the others will see it, as his magic is taking its toll, but he can’t hide the little flare of jealousy he’s feeling from me.

He’s right though, we’re still in danger, and it’s foolish of us to let our guard down while the threat isright there. Stupid.

“What now?” Scott asks, as practical as ever as he visually checks over me, looking for signs of injury.

“We just need to kill the minotaur, right?” Nicolai asks, his voice tight as he looks over at the giant creature, his face paling at what he sees. “Sounds easy enough,” he mutters sarcastically.

Biting down on my lower lip, I look over at the minotaur. Star is still snapping at its heels, and Atlas’s ice is keeping it at bay, but we all know that it won’t be long before it attacks us once more. I have my suspicions about this task, and I quickly go over the various outcomes in my mind before coming to a conclusion. Blowing out a breath, I glance at the others.

“The minotaur is our target, but I thinkIhave to be the one to end it.” Dread churns in my gut as I share my thoughts, my throat tightening. “The queen was pretty clear. I have to kill my opponent, and I’m allowed theassistanceof my team. Assistance.” Emphasising the final word, I shake my head. “If anyone else makes the killing blow, I’m sure she’ll find a way to void the victory.”

Atlas shifts his stance, his fingers trembling as he keeps his ice magic focused on the creature. “She’s right.”

If anyone is going to understand the queen’s whims, it’s him, and the others seem to come to the same conclusion.

“We have to use our strengths to get through this,” Joel comments, comfortably stepping into the alpha roll. Glancing at Syn, he lowers his voice slightly. “Are you in control of yourself?” It’s not to shame the other alpha, but because he’s about to put his trust in the male and needs to know that he’s not going to go feral again. Syn doesn’t even bother to look offended, simply nodding.

“Okay. Syn, Scott, and I will be in wolf form. Atlas and Nicolai will do what they can with their magic,” Joel continues, stumbling over the word “magic” when he’s speaking about Nicolai, but he carries on as if nothing happened. “We can distract the creature and keep it away from you while you come up with a plan to kill it.”

I love that he has so much confidence in me, far more than I do in myself, and for a moment, my insecurities almost get the better of me.I don’t know how to control my magic, the small voice in my mind says.What if I hurt one of you? What if I can’t do it? Am I strong enough? I don’t even know if I can kill this thing.Doubts creep in, but I shut them down quickly. Ivar told me to trust in the goddess and my instincts before the challenge started, and so far, the advice has led me true.

You are part goddess, I remind myself firmly.The goddess made you as you are. Embrace your differences.

Taking a deep breath, I nod my head in agreement. Joel’s small, proud smile strengthens me. He doesn’t ask how I’m going to manage it, he just knows that I can do it, and that gives me the confidence to try. The others all agree to the plan, bolstering me even more. Joel and Scott begin stripping off their shirts and removing their pants, preparing for the shift, and I turn to Syn. He’s undressing too, and worry sparks in my chest.

“Syn, are you okay? Your shoulder—”

Before I can utter anything more, he reaches up and violently shoves it back into place with a sickening crunch. His eyes glow with his wolf, and he grits his teeth, but he makes no sounds of pain. Werewolves heal quickly, and the shifting process should fix his shoulder completely, but I still worry.

Taking my hand, he presses it to his cheek and stares deeply into my eyes. “For you, mate, I would break every bone in my body and fight a thousand minotaurs.”

He kisses me fiercely, taking my breath away. Before I know it, he backs away and kneels on the ground next to Scott and Joel, the familiar tingle of their werewolf power washing over me as their bodies shift into huge wolves. Without waiting for further instruction, they run into the centre of the room where the minotaur is still fighting against the ice beneath its feet. Star is tiny compared to them, but the four of them snarl and lunge at it, keeping it away from where I stand with Nicolai and Atlas.

“Are you okay?” I quietly ask Atlas, noting the shake in his arms and wishing there was some way I could help.

“What can I do?” Nicolai asks, appearing at my side, his face holding a mix of complex emotions. I can feel his indecision and pain through our connection. He’s missing his wolf. He wants to be out there with the other wolves so desperately, but he knows he can’t, so instead, he feels useless. His magic is practically pulsing from him, begging for an outlet, but he doesn’t know how to use it.

Atlas glances at him, obviously sensing the same thing I am, his eyes brightening with an idea. “Place your hand on my shoulder. I can channel some of your magic into myself and use it.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Nicolai warns, but he steps forward nonetheless and places his hand on Atlas’s shoulder, grateful to have a job.

“I’ll guide you.”

Atlas quietly instructs Nicolai, and I tune it out, taking a step away so as not to disturb them. Now, I just need to figure out how I’m going to kill this creature. I know that, somehow, we’re being watched, and my every move will be judged. Even if I had full control of my power and could blast the creature with one mighty bolt of magic, I’m sure that I’d get accused of not performing the challenge properly. The queen wants a show, so that’s what I’m going to give her.

I make sure that everyone is okay before blowing out a breath and kneeling on the ground. The grit bites into my knees, but I ignore it as I close my eyes and take several deep, calming breaths.

“What’s she doing?” Nicolai asks, his voice carrying over as I settle myself.
