Page 78 of Drag Me Down

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When Z cracks his eyes open, they lock on me. I know at my core that I will never be complete until he is bound to me in every way. My fingers drift to my pocket, where there’s a box with an onyx ring inside. It even has a black stone set in the band, something I took a risk on.

Churning nerves drive my knee up and down in rapid movement as I sit and watch him. Liam leans over and smacks his huge hand down on it to keep it still. “Quit. You’re making me want to smoke.”

I give him a heated look. “Proposing’s a big deal, Liam. Not like you’d know.”

He snorts at that. “Damn right.”

I snatch the cigarette from his hands before he lights up and snap it in half. “Don’t start that up. You’ll stink up the place.”

“S’my studio,” he mumbles, another cigarette already in his mouth. He flicks his Zippo open and sucks in heavily. A ripple of worry runs through me over Liam’s recent behavior. Maybe settling down isn’t what he hoped it would be. Regardless, I plan to nag him endlessly about it tomorrow.

When Z gives a thumbs up, I move into the recording booth. He sets his new twelve string guitar aside, and before he can even get up from the stool, I wrap my arms around his waist and lower my mouth to kiss him.

“We’re not still recording, are we?” Z whispers against my lips.

I crack a wide smile and nip at his bottom lip. He's got winged eyeliner on that amps up his gothic look. My dick took notice immediately this morning when I stepped out of the shower in our new home and caught him applying it with care in the bathroom mirror. “Mmm, as much as I’d like to hear audio of us together, I don’t want to share you with anyone else.”


I run a hand through his hair, tugging at locks until I have a full view of his angelic face. “Go on a date with me tonight.”

He smirks. “What if I have other plans?”

Anger floods my system. “With who?”

“Just some band members from Atonement. You heard of them?” His full smile wrecks me because I know how hard he had to work for it.

I scowl. “Screw them. You’re canceling.”

“So possessive.”

“Forever will be.” I kiss him again, passionately, just to get the point across.

There’s a knock on the glass, and we break apart, both of us chuckling at a disgruntled Liam on the other side. “Make out all you want. You’re still paying by the hour.”
