Page 28 of Angels Above

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“I think a lot of people feel that way about him, but what you see is what you get. I can tell you that much.”

“That’s good to know,” she said. “I won’t let it affect anything here.”

“So he got you to give him a second chance?” Brian asked.

“It’s not like he did anything wrong though he seems to think he did. I said I’d cook for him on Saturday. He’s your friend. As you can tell, he likes to talk. Some restaurant chairs are uncomfortable.”

“Good logic. Make sure you tell him that,” Brian said.

“I’ll do that if it comes up,” she said.

She left Brian’s office and went back to work.

Guess things did work out in the end.

Or at least for now.

That was how she was living her life.

For now.

The future could wait.



“Do you miss not going to the shelter?” Mia asked Morgan on Saturday morning.

“Some,” Morgan said.

Leah was sleeping in the swing in the living room. The two of them were in the kitchen having coffee and scones that Mia had picked up this morning after she’d gone to the store.

“I know you’re itching to get back to work, aren’t you?”

Morgan sighed. “I feel like a failure as a mother because I want to work and not stay at home with Leah. But it’s just not me.”

She ran her hand over her sister’s shoulder. Here she was feeling like a failure in her life.

Not as successful as her siblings.

Still alone, let alone not having a family.

She should have been paying more attention to Morgan than her own insecurities.

“Don’t be that way,” she said. “Or think it. You’re doing what you always wanted to do in life. You shouldn’t have to give up one to be another. I’m not sure why society feels that way. This isn’t 1940 where the woman stays home and cooks all the meals and cleans and cares for ten kids.”

“Ten kids,” Morgan said, laughing. “Please. I can’t think of another right now let alone ten. Cooper, he’s over the moon and already talking about when we’ll have another. We aren’t even married yet.”

“You’ll be married soon and you love him. Be happy that he’s so excited to be a father and does so much. How many men aren’t like that?”

“A lot,” Morgan said. “And I’m very fortunate. But you know, I spent a lot of money on schooling to get where I am. So many changes in my life in the past year.”

“Not just for you but everyone,” she said. She had to remember that too.

“You’re right. I’ve read it’s normal to feel this way. I’m good,” Morgan said, taking a bite of the scone. “These are great. Where did you get them?”

“At a bakery not that far from here.”
