Page 29 of Angels Above

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The one that Cal owned part of. She figured she might as well give them a try and found the place packed full of sweet concoctions and a line out the door.

“I’m glad you thought of it,” Morgan said. “And came to give me company. But I sense something is going on with you. What is it?”

Mia let out a sigh. “I’m concerned about you,” she said.

Morgan laughed. “I buy that, but there is nothing to be concerned about.” Morgan reached her hand over. “I’m happy. I’ve got a great job, a wonderful baby daddy, and a beautiful daughter that I can’t get enough of.”

“And four rowdy boys that are well behaved,” Mia added. She looked over and saw the four dogs outside on the deck, sunning. There was a fenced-in yard for them all to run.

“That is very true. Some would say my life is perfect, but we know that isn’t possible. My hormones are out of whack and I know it. I’m not depressed or anything. Don’t think that. Sarah and I talked and she said she felt the same way. It’s a mother’s guilt, but you’re right. Being a mother doesn’t mean I can’t be a vet at the same time.”

She didn’t want to be jealous that Morgan went to Sarah to talk about this. It made sense since Sarah was in the same boat. Sarah was a nurse too. Another medical professional.

“Do you think Mom felt it?” she asked.

“She told me she did. But by the time she got to you she was rushing back to work with no guilt at all.”

Morgan was laughing and Mia forced a smile. “Figured as much.”

“Hey,” Morgan said. “I was joking. Really. What’s going on with you? Do you regret moving here?’

“No!” she said. When she realized she was louder than she meant to be she lowered her voice. “Sometimes I just look at you and Caden and think I’m the loser.”

“Not even close. Why do you feel that way?”

“I had all these dreams and goals in my career and they didn’t happen.”

“Yet,” Morgan said. “You just turned thirty-two a few months ago. There is a lot of time left for you to save the world and now you get paid for it. Paid a lot more for your hard work. It sounds as if you’ve got a wonderful boss. I know and have met Brian. He seems pretty easy to get along with.”

“He is,” she said. “I’m glad I’m working for him. I’ve been busy with my own caseload and helping him with a few things. I hope to have a settlement soon on my first solo case and I should get a nice check with that.”

“All good things. But there is something more going on. As if you’re nervous over something.”

“I should have known you’d figure it out. I’ve got a date tonight.”

Morgan jumped up and did a little dance. “Why are you nervous? Who is it? Tell me all about it.”

“It’s Cal Perkins,” she said.

“Ohhh, nice and yummy. Good for you. Did he ask you out or did you ask him?”

“It was kind of a chance thing,” she said. She explained about the house closing earlier in the week and the spontaneous lunch they’d had.

“You like it when things like that happen,” Morgan said. “You’re kind of the romantic type.”

“Not really,” she said. “That is you.”

“True,” Morgan said. “But don’t we all want things to just fall into our laps like that?”

“I guess you’re right,” she said. “We talked a lot. I mean he likes to talk. He’s so funny and good natured and then, bam, he just changed and I thought he was joking.”

“That’s not good. Tell me about it.”

She explained the situation with Cal’s mother, then his father. How it all led up to the Santa joke and Cal saying he was Scrooge.

“As you can tell, I put my foot in my mouth and didn’t even know it.”

“But he came and apologized to you the next day. That says a lot about his character.”
