Page 95 of Angels Above

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His grandfather turned and looked at him. “And you didn’t get it. Your girlfriend did. Maybe you should think about that some more.”

“I think you’re reading way too much into this,” Cal said, laughing. Now he wished he hadn’t stopped here.

“I think you’re dismissing it all too easily too.”

“Then we can agree to disagree. Harley and I need to hit the road. Right, Harley?”

His puppy had lain down and was behaving while they got the register set and his grandfather was getting ready to unlock the door.

His grandfather sighed. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Bye, Grandpa.”

He had to leave. He had too much to do and a hell of a lot to think about.



Two days later, Mia was upstairs working out. She’d gotten out of work earlier than Cal. He was running around with Harley and said he’d be home no later than seven.

She didn’t mind; she had work to do after she got her exercise in.

Somehow in the months they’d been dating, she found herself getting cozy with Cal more than she had with any other man.

She wanted to be here more and she knew he wanted that too.

Yet neither of them was saying it.

Maybe it was for the best.

All she knew was that she was happier than she’d been in a long time and finally felt as if she’d gotten all her confidence back for the girl that wanted to conquer the world and save people when she was in law school.

She was just getting off the treadmill when she got a text from Cal that he was held up and might not get home until eight now, to go ahead and eat without him, he’d just heat it up after.

Mia shrugged and wiped her face. Not a big deal.

She flipped the lights off and was getting ready to walk downstairs when she heard glass breaking.

What the hell?

She waited a second to see if she imagined it. Nope, she didn’t. There was more breaking glass as if someone was pushing it out of the way to get in.


She remembered there was a baseball bat in the closet with all of Cal’s things so she used her phone to help light the way for her to get there. It wasn’t that dark outside, but the upstairs had curtains on the windows and the lights were still off and she’d keep it that way.

She got the bat in her hands and decided maybe she should call for help.

The first thing she did was dial 9-1-1.

“Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?”

“I think someone is breaking into my house.”

“What is your address?”

She lowered her voice and gave all the information. The operator asked her to stay on the line, but when she started to hear things being destroyed downstairs she got pissed.
