Page 96 of Angels Above

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“He’s wrecking the house,” she whispered.

She hadn’t turned any lights on when she came home. It wasn’t dark then and now she wondered if that was a mistake. Whoever this was thought the house was empty.

“Stay hidden away. Police have been dispatched.”

Mia pulled the phone from her ear and started to text Morgan. Cooper wasn’t that far away. Her sister would get more people in the area over here faster than the police, she was sure.

She wasn’t talking to the operator, just staying on the line as she heard more and more damage being done to the house.

Her heart was racing, her hands were sweating, and tears began running down her face.

Morgan said Cooper was on the way and she texted for him not to come alone. To get help.

When she heard the footsteps coming up the stairs, she told the operator to be quiet and put her phone face down so the light couldn’t be seen on it.

The closet door was still open and she hoped to get up and shut it and realized that might not happen or be wise. It could make a noise and the bedroom door was also open.

Mia wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but she moved out of the closet and went to the side of the bedroom door with the bat in her hand.

If this person thought they were going to walk into this room, she was going to take him unaware.

The light wasn’t flipped on in the loft where all the exercise equipment was, but she heard the sound of something spraying.

She popped her head out and saw paint being sprayed on the walls and squinted her eyes. She couldn’t make out who this person was, but it was a guy for sure.

He went to turn and she put her back against the wall, heard steps coming closer and got the bat ready.

The minute the guy stepped his foot in, she swung and got him under the chin and he was out cold.

Her hand went to her face. She was terrified she’d just killed him and felt for a pulse. She got one and ran to her phone.

“I knocked him out,” she said to the operator. “He came into the room and I had a bat in my hand. Oh my God, he’s out cold.”

“The police should be on the scene any minute. I’ll dispatch an ambulance. Get out of the house if you can.”

She heard sirens coming and ran downstairs as fast as she could with the phone in her hand and out the front door. The damage she’d seen to the house broke her heart.

“He’s upstairs and unconscious,” she said to the officer as they pulled to a stop in front of the house. “He came into the room I was hiding in and I swung and got him with a bat.”

“Stay here,” the officer said. She saw Cooper pull up next, followed by Brian.

“Are you okay?” Cooper asked, running toward her.

“Yes. I got him with the bat. The police are in the house.”

“Cal is on the way,” Brian said. “I called him the minute Cooper texted me.”

“He’s breathing,” she said. “I felt a pulse. What if I hurt him or killed him or caused him injury?”

“Relax,” Brian said. “Self-defense. You called the police. Don’t jump ahead to things.”

“The house is trashed,” she said, crying. “He was spraying things on the wall too. He walked into the room and I decided to take him unaware.”

“Stop talking,” Brian said. “Here comes Cal.”

His truck was racing down the street and he slammed on the brakes. By now there were neighbors all outside trying to figure out what was going on.

“Mia,” Cal said, running toward her. “Are you hurt?”
