Page 97 of Angels Above

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“I’m fine. Your bat might have seen better days.”

Cal looked down at the bat in her hand. She’d had no idea it was still in her hands until his eyes dropped down. “Is that blood?”

“It’s his. I knocked him out when he came into the room. I was upstairs and hiding.”

“Shh,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “I should have been home with you. You shouldn’t have been alone.”

“Don’t take this on,” she said. “No one could know.”

They turned when the police came out and the guy was up and in cuffs.

“Son of a bitch!” Cal shouted.

“Do you know him?” she asked.

“It’s Tyler. Guess he didn’t learn his lesson trashing the liquor store, but he had to come to my house too.”

“You son of a bitch,” Tyler was yelling. “You ruined my life.”

“How the hell did I ruin your life?” Cal asked, marching over to him. “You broke into my store and now my house. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You fired me,” Tyler screamed. “You cost me my girlfriend. I needed the money and help, but you just pushed me away. You help everyone else, but not me. Everyone says what a nice guy you are, but I think you’re a piece of shit and I hope you rot in hell.”

“Let’s go,” the officer said, yanking him along. “Sorry about this, Cal. I hate to say you know the routine, but you might right now.”

“Do you know them?” she asked Cal.

“The second officer was on the scene for the liquor store break-in,” he said, sighing. He walked over to where the cops were talking. “Can I go in the house?”

“You might not want to. He did a lot of damage in a short period of time.”

When the ambulance pulled up, Cal said to Mia, “You need to get checked out.”

“I’m fine,” she said. “He didn’t touch me.”

“But you’re shaking,” he said.

“You are too,” she argued.

“Why don’t you come with me,” one of the officers said. “We’ll get you looked over and then we’ll take your statement.”

Mia nodded. “I’m fine, Cooper and Brian. You two don’t need to stay.”

“Yes, we do,” Brian said. “I’ll stay here with you while you give your statement.”

She forced a grin. “You know I know the law too.”

“Just as well,” Brian said.

“I’ll go in and see how Cal is doing,” Cooper said.

She let the EMTs pull her to the ambulance and get looked over. Once she was done she started to relive what she’d gone through in the past fifteen minutes at this point. Funny how it wasn’t much time but yet felt like a year while she was living it.

She just wanted this over with and wanted to get in and talk to Cal. He was going to be devastated that this happened to him twice and now in his personal space.

But she’d be damned if she was going to let him withdraw like he had when Tyler broke into the liquor store.

Mia was damn proud of herself and she was going to make sure he knew it and that he didn’t worry because she’d seen the look on his face...that he thought he wasn’t there to protect her.
