Page 1 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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Isighed into Agnarr’s chest. It felt as if we had been riding Sindri all day. I was anxious to get back to the tribe but I was also exhausted. Between the trip to Snaerfírar and the mating frenzy, I was exhausted. I didn’t know if I wanted to nap or get on my knees and suck Agnarr’s cock. Maybe both? The mating frenzy was no joke. It felt as if Agnarr and I had fucked everywhere and in every way possible in the caverns, but I was still ravenous for him, exhausted as I was. My head lolled to the side against his chest as I attempted to stay awake.

“Not much further, Pip, just hang on,” Agnarr whispered, urging Sindri along.

“Is there going to be some sort of celebration something or other we will be expected to attend when we arrive?” I asked. “I don’t think I have it in me physically or mentally.”

“No, if we arrive after dark, we can slip into my room and have everyone discover us in the morning. I would, however, recommend sleeping well tonight. Tomorrow will be full of celebration. A new Elska mating, a new jarl and jarlin? We will likely celebrate for weeks,” he said quietly.

“Okay. I can do that. No blow jobs tonight,” I said, words slurred, practically asleep.

“Pip, I would never expect that,” he replied, voice strained.

I stifled a laugh, Agnarr was still getting used to enthusiastic blow jobs.

We were so close to the village that I could see the arch that welcomed us within its borders. Agnarr was right. The lights were out, we’d be able to slip in unnoticed. He nudged Sindri on, to the room I’d spent my first few days in. I hadn’t noticed before, but there was a hitching post outside. He dismounted and tied her to it before lifting me off the saddle. He carried me bridal style over the threshold of his room and into his bed.

“Strip,” he said simply.

“Wha—what?” I stuttered.

“We are mates. There will be no clothes between us. Especially not those dusty and worn from travel,” he responded.

I’d never slept naked with a partner before. Heck, due to shared rooms as a child, I had never slept naked at all. But I was exhausted and Agnarr was peeling off his clothes while keeping his eyes on me. I toed off my boots, then removed my leggings and tunic.

“I am going to need more warmth if you expect me to sleep naked,” I said as a chill ran up my spine, the lack of warmth noticeable with the unlit fireplace.

But it was like Agnarr could read my mind, already working the tinder and flint to set the logs aflame. It wasn’t long before the glow filled the room, accompanied by the merry hisses and pops of the logs.

“Now, to bed. I don’t want my mate exhausted when I introduce her to my tribe,” he said gruffly.

I climbed into bed awkwardly. But Agnarr joined me immediately, his warm body engulfing mine.

“Um, how am I supposed to get any sleep with your hard cock pressing into my ass?” I asked.

“You’ll ignore it, the same way I have to,” he said, seemingly unbothered.

I settled in, using his bicep as a pillow. I wanted to lay him on his back and suck his cock until he came all over my chest, but we were both tired.

“Maybe we could do something about it in the morning?” I said, hopefully.

“Já, if we rise early enough, we may have some time together,” he whispered, nuzzling my temple.

I tried to ignore his cock prodding into my ass. I wanted it, but I wanted to sleep more. I snuggled into his chest, trying to ignore our nakedness. I remembered I had tried to sleep naked once. It hadn’t gone well. Noah and I had dated after college and it had gotten to the point where I had a toothbrush and pajamas at his house. He said he felt sleeping in the nude was “inappropriate” even though we were having sex regularly. I rolled my eyes. I was so done with being repressed by men who didn’t understand me—or my trauma.

Agnarr’s breathing evened out, suggesting he’d fallen asleep. So I did what I could to stop the mental spiraling and just enjoyed his embrace. It wasn’t long after that I drifted off as well.


I woke up in my room, comforted by the familiar surroundings. The fire had burned down low in the night, but the room was still warm. What I wasn’t used to was the tiny creature plastered to my side. I was on my back and Piper was wrapped around me, both arms and legs clinging to me. She snored softly in her sleep, peacefully unaware that I’d awoken. Looking out the window, it was just barely dawn. I wanted to let her sleep as long as possible. I was afraid to breathe, in fear of waking her. I stroked her hair, admiring her as she clung to me, trying to remain as still as possible. Her mouth hung open, while the sunlight lit up the highlights in her vahlnut hair.

I still couldn’t believe she was mine.Forever. We had the Emarks to prove it. She’d accepted our bond. Elska mates. I thought of her growing ripe with our young, and my cock grew impossibly hard. I had always wanted orklings, but the idea of Piper carrying them was almost more than I could manage. Her thigh was resting on my cock and I tried to move away without waking her, the pressure being almost unbearable. I shifted and Piper tugged me closer to her. Her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning,” she said, sleepily.

“Hi,” I responded, voice husky.
