Page 11 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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I looked to Agnarr, he grinned down at me.

“It seems as if there is a celebration in order. We can welcome the new women and the incoming jarl and jarlin,” I said, smiling back at him.

“What do you think?” I asked, looking at the eleven other women, “Are you ready to meet the rest of the tribe?”

They looked at each other. Some of them definitely looked more hesitant than others.

“Will all the males be looking at us as potential mates?” Lucy asked.

I looked to Agnarr.

“I can’t lie to you. Many of the males are looking for mates. But with the support of Jarlin Astrid, none of you will be pressured into anything you aren’t ready for,” he explained evenly.

Lucy took a sigh of relief, as did many of the others. I looked up at Agnarr.

“I think we need to talk with Tora and Astrid about an event where we introduce the women and our matehood,” I said.

He looked at me, assessing.

“That is probably for the best. You and I can talk with Tora and Astrid and make a plan for an introduction celebration,” he said.

“Are you all willing to meet the rest of the tribe?” I asked.

“As long as there is no expectation of us to jump into bed with the first orc we meet, I’m down,” Billie stated.

All of the other women nodded. We would need to warn the males of the tribe not to expect any of the human women to accept an Elska mate bond.

“Okay, we can prepare for that. What other concerns do you have?” I asked.

“I think our primary concern was a longer term living situation, but we’ve covered that,” Gemma said.

“Absolutely,” Agnarr responded, “our tribe is in need of females, if a space of your own is something you need in order to feel comfortable, I can’t imagine anyone objecting. It will be our priority to make a plan with Astrid and the elders.”

“Can they stay in the rooms they are in while we figure out a more suitable location for them?” I asked Agnarr.

“I am sure that won’t be a problem. They are the rooms of single males, more than willing to give up their space for single women,” he said, grinning.

It was as if the room breathed a collective sigh of relief. I could tell the tension shifted. The women felt they had a safe place to stay and knew their boundaries would be respected.

“So what’s next?” Billie asked.

“Do you think you could do an evening meal and an introduction to the tribe?” I asked, ready for either response.

The eleven women looked at each other hesitantly, before silently nodding, one after the other.

“So how about I talk to Astrid and Tora and we figure out introducing you to the tribe at dinner tonight?” I asked.

Eleven women looked at me, nodding, some of them looking more hesitant than others. I looked at Agnarr.

“Can we get some time with Astrid before the evening meal?” I asked.

“Of course, easily,” he said, gripping my shoulder.

“Okay, so then it is settled. Tonight, at the evening meal, we will introduce you all to the tribe,” I said, trying to keep the nerves out of my voice


Piper and I walked hand-in-hand from Emla’s cabin. Her small hand was comforting in mine. She’d done spectacularly with the human women, though I knew it cost her a lot of nervous energy.
