Page 17 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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I awoke to a knock at the door and it took me a moment to realize where I was. I wasn’t in my apartment on Earth, but in Agnarr’s room. He was asleep, but holding me closely to his chest, and quietly snoring. I tried not to wake him, while slowly removing myself from his tight embrace. I realized I was completely naked and not fit to answer the door, as the polite, but insistent knocking continued. I grabbed Agarr’s tunic and threw it over me. It fell to my mid-thigh, which I decided was enough coverage to answer the knocking.

I opened the door to find myself face-to-face with Tora. I threw myself at her in an eager embrace. I was so pleased to see her. She clasped me tightly to her, returning my embrace before stepping back to look at me.

“I see you have accepted the mate bond with Agnarr?” she asked, smiling.

I whipped myself around and pulled up Agnarr’s tunic to show her my Elska marks. Tora gasped, turning me around to hug me again.

“I’m so pleased. How are you feeling?” She asked.

“Nervous, but ready,” I said confidently, “I know Agnarr is my mate, and I have no hesitancy about our commitment, but being jarlin is a little overwhelming.”

“You will do fine. Astrid won’t step down until you are ready, I promise,” Tora responded, grasping me into her arms again.

“So, we both need something to wear tonight?” I said, trying to keep my voice low as Agnarr continued to sleep, “Astrid plans on introducing us as the new jarl and jarlin.”

“We don’t have much time for you to prepare. Let me get you some options and return,” Tora said, clasping her hands together.

I looked over my shoulder to see Agnarr still quietly snoring. “I will wake him in plenty of time,” I promised Tora.

Tora returned less than an hour later with outfits for us to choose from.

I looked over the outfits Tora provided. I took them to the washroom so as not to wake Agnarr. I examined all the dresses. Everything here seemed to be made of natural fibers or animal hide. The first was way too large. I was swimming in it. The second was a beautiful lavender color but was tight across my hips, causing a wrinkle in the dress. I tried on the last. It was pale blue with long belled sleeves. The neck was a V that showed just enough cleavage to make me feel sexy in a long-sleeved floor-length dress. With the orkin bobby pins, I carefully twisted my hair into another crown, hopefully, fit for a jarlin. I left the washroom to wake Agnarr.

I looked at him, still peacefully sleeping. I didn’t want to wake him, but we needed to get ready to present ourselves to the tribe. I sidled up to the edge of Agnarr’s bed, still attempting to let him sleep, before climbing in with him. I wrapped my frame around his, breathing in his delicious scent. Agnarr shifted, opening his eyes, to see me draped across him.

Agnarr stirred at my presence, “You’re still here?” he asked, clearly still half asleep.

“Of course, I’m your mate now,” I responded.

“Has Tora come?” he asked.

“Yes, we have lots to choose from,” I explained, not letting go of him.

“How much time do we have?” he asked, huskily.

“Less than an hour,” I responded, looking at the outfits Tora laid out for him.

At this, Agnarr immediately sat upright.

“We need to prepare,” he exclaimed.

“Hush. I’ve already done my hair and picked out a dress. I am ready. It is only you that needs to get ready,” I explained, soothing him.

“What have you picked for yourself?” he asked, looking my body up and down.

“I’ll show you once you are dressed and ready,” I responded.

After looking through all the options, Agnarr and I stood in his room, the weight of the evening's events still lingering in the air. Agnarr looked every bit the part of the jarl in a deep green tunic with gold embroidery, and his long hair braided with gold accents. I knew the dress I’d picked out was fit for the occasion, but I was still nervous about how I would be received.

As we prepared to make our way to the bonfire where the tribe had gathered in the longhouse, my anxiety kicked up a notch. The responsibility of being the new jarl and jarlin seemed daunting, and I knew that we had to prove ourselves to both the orkin and human members of the tribe. Given that Astrid had already warned us that I might not be readily accepted, I felt like I was walking into some sort of trial.

Agnarr took my hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Are you ready, my mate?" he asked

"I am," I replied, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. "Let's do this."

We headed towards the longhouse, where Astrid and the rest of the tribe awaited, including the other human women. The evening sky was filled with stars, casting a soft glow on the gathering. We approached the longhouse and entered through the double doors to find all eyes on us, a hush emerging as we walked to the center of the longhouse.
