Page 39 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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“Can we dedicate a space for Jarlin Piper, alone? A space for her to meet with other human females, a space where she feels comfortable?” I asked.

“Your living space is plenty large for us to devote part of it to meeting with the humans, I will adjust accordingly,” Osif said.

“Please keep this from Piper. I want to surprise her with how we’ve outfitted our home,” I explained.

“Of course,” Osif agreed, bowing to me, out of practice.

“Please—Piper views you as an equal, as do I. Never feel the need to bow to my leadership,” I said, before turning to leave the longhouse.


After the meeting with the elders, I was exhausted. I wanted a nap and an iced latte, but I knew I needed to meet with the women. I gave Agnarr a brief kiss, before heading to Emla’s cabin—their safe space. As I approached the cabin, I squared my shoulders, ready for another intense meeting. I opened the door and everyone inside went silent—great. Eleven sets of human eyeballs were on me.Teacher mode activated.

“Hi, y’all,” I said enthusiastically.

Students always assumed I was from the South because of my use of the term ‘y’all’ when really, I was just trying to be inclusive. I slipped into it without realizing it.

“Hi!” Billie said enthusiastically.

Thank the universe for Billie, she was happy to be here and I needed it.

“So, I am guessing you are waiting on some news?” I asked.

All of the human women looked expectantly at me. No pressure.

“So, the good news is, I have no bad news,” I said smiling, “Jarlin Astrid, Agnarr, and I have managed to convince the elders to accept the human women with no expectation. There is no expectation that you take a mate, or that you even look for a mate. They are willing to integrate you into the tribe, as long as you are willing to share the burden of keeping the tribe going.”

“What do you mean, ‘share the burden?’” Olivia asked.

“I’m actually glad it was you that asked, Liv,” I said. “They want us to use our skills and abilities to help the tribe. They were very interested in having an animal healer amongst the human women. As soon as you are comfortable, I will introduce you to Alvis, the keeper of the hestrs.”

“Ooh, I would love that,” Liv responded.

“So, there are a ton of different ways that everyone can contribute, based on their skills and abilities. Our willingness to do so has gained us equal standing amongst the orkin,” I explained. “Well that, and might have accidentally slapped an elder,” I said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

“You what?” Eleanor gasped.

“Well, there was one elder with a handful of followers that don’t want to see human women integrated into the tribe. He thinks we are weak and will produce weak offspring. He kept going on about it, even though none of the other elders agreed with him and I got to a point where I couldn’t take his bullshit anymore, so I slapped him. Whoops?” I said, shrugging.

Several of the women started laughing, while others looked shocked.

“Um, what happened to the elder you slapped?” Zoey asked.

“He and his followers are choosing to leave the tribe.”

“Is Jarlin Astrid upset by this?” Diedre asked, looking shocked.

“Honestly, she has been 100% supportive. She is ready to step down and she has shown nothing but support for me and Agnarr. I don’t think she even cares,” I explained.

“We really appreciate you fighting for us,” Gemma said. “I know with your anxiety that can’t have been easy.”

I let out a sigh and unclenched, I was in a safe space, “It was not easy. I can be a fierce advocate when I need to be, but I am mentally exhausted afterward. I need a nap and a shot,” I said with a laugh.

“Come, sit,” Billie said, offering me a chair.

I melted into the chair, trying to release some of the tension I’d felt with the elders. I was here with my sisters, and they all seemed to be concerned for me first and foremost. I was ready to become a puddle of skin, and all of the women were so supportive. I had to at least explain the plan to them.

“Okay, so we have decided that in a week’s time, y’all will be introduced and integrated into the tribe. It will be a festive event with dancing and a feast, all of the elders are excited about it.”
