Page 43 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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I couldn’t help myself, I started full-blown cackling. This poor adorable orc thought he was abusing me when all he’d done was fuck me boneless. As I continued to laugh, Agnarr’s confusion turned to frustration.

“Will you please explain this human custom I am clearly misunderstanding?” he said gruffly.

“Why don’t we clean up and then we can talk a little about human mating customs.”

Agnarr slid out of me with an audible squelch before heading to the washroom. After a few minutes, he returned with a warm washcloth and carefully cleaned me up before tossing the washcloth aside. He climbed into bed, facing me, stroking my jawline.

“Okay, so. The idea of being fucked so good that you can’t walk isappealingto many human women,” I explained, trying not to sound condescending.

“So, you want me to fuck you so hard that it’s uncomfortable to walk the next day?” he asked, clearly confused.

“Yep. Every step I take will remind me of our time together.”

“But it hurts?”

“I mean, sure, a little. I would never let it get to a point where it was like, oh god I need a doctor hurt,” I explained. “Your cock is the biggest I’ve ever taken, if you fuck me like you own me, I am bound to be a little sore.”

“And you still want to do this?” he asked, looking at me warily.

“Absolutely. I love being stuffed full with your giant cock,” I grinned.

Agnarr slapped a hand across my mouth, as if afraid someone would hear. I removed his fingers gently and pulled him into a kiss. He was gentle and oh so tender, as if afraid he’d break me.

“I’ve been with men who have been afraid to express their wants, or felt shame about their needs. I’m not interested in that. If you want to bend me over and fuck me while I am in the middle of cooking dinner, I am absolutely here for it,” I breathed. “I never want to feel my sexuality confined again, and that extends to you. If you want something, ask. And we’ll discuss how to make sure both our needs are met.”

Agnarr took a breath before responding, “So you like it when I am not careful with you?”

“Mmm, very much. I like when you take control. Like when you pulled my hair? That was amazing. I am used to always having to be in control, giving that to you is amazing.”

He looked thoughtful, “And I didn’t hurt you?” he asked.

“Today? There was a little pinch when you slammed into me, but nothing that was unmanageable.”

“And you’d tell me if something was too much?”

“Of course, wouldn’t you tell me?”

“You could never be too much for me, sweet Pip.”

I melted into him, snuggling closer to his warm chest, “So we’re in agreement? You won’t hold back and you trust me to tell you if something is too much?”

“Mmm,” was all he responded with as he stroked my back up and down.

I closed my eyes and started to drift, the last thought entering my mind being that maybe being abducted by aliens was the best thing that ever happened to me.



The next several days were a whirlwind of preparation. I met with the human women daily and made it a point to connect with each of them individually. As I learned more of their stories I learned more about why they were abandoned with the orkin. All of them had either trauma, chronic illnesses, or mental health issues. I’d always been good at meeting people where they were and removing judgment from the equation. It was one of the things that made me such a good teacher. Students felt seen by me and were willing to be vulnerable. This translated easily to relationship-building with the other women and it wasn’t long before they all viewed me as a trusted leader and confidant.

I tried to spend as much time with them as I could while also attending council meetings and meetings with Osif about the progress of our new home. Agnarr was just as busy, meeting with the elders, meeting with Astrid, and something secretive that I decided not to pry into. I had so much on my plate that it was easy to ignore whatever Agnarr had in store for me. Osif was splitting his time between working on our home and working on a new space for the human women and I always reminded him to focus on the space for them. I even got him to include a bathing area just for them because I knew so many of them would struggle with bathing communally.

The week passed incredibly quickly and before I knew it, it was time for the welcoming of the humans we’d so carefully planned. We all agreed to get ready together at Emla’s cabin, taking turns preening in front of the one full-length mirror. Bram’s tailors had pulled out all the stops, making several visits to ensure each woman had a dress they were comfortable in. While all our dresses were definitely of orkin style, they were designed to flatter each of our figures. I was in a gray dress with silver embroidery along the edges. The neck cut dangerously low, exposing what little cleavage I had and the long sleeves belled out with the same intricate embroidery. I felt like a bride at a ren faire. I twisted my hair into what I called a messy crown again and it matched my outfit perfectly.

We’d agreed that the women would all arrive together, so I hadn’t seen Agnarr all day. The celebration was to take place in the village square with all of the local shops having a booth and braziers lit to add to the ambiance—and to provide warmth. Though the orkin were used to the snowy season, being outdoors in the cold would provide some difficulty for some of our more slight females. After ensuring that all the women were ready we gathered into a circle in Emla’s cabin. All eyes were on me.

“I know this is a lot, but remember, they are ready and excited to meet you. Agnarr, Astrid, and I have put in the work to ensure that you are welcome as you are,” I said, trying to soothe any anxiety they felt.
