Page 61 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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“You did this for me?” Agnarr looked stunned.

“Of course. The jarl needs a place to meet with his tribe members. What if someone wants to speak with you about an issue or a dispute? Or if you need to write letters to other tribes. You need a space,” I explained.

I watched Agnarr walk around the room, admiring all the extra touches I’d added, ensuring the space was comfortable for long work hours. He sat down at the carved chair at his desk before gliding his hand across its top.

“This isn’t... um... our tree, is it?” he asked, looking pointedly at the desk.

“No, no, it isn’t. I thought you’d want to keep that out of your office. Though,” I said upon further examination of the height and width of the desk, “perhaps not?” voice hitching.

“Hmm... there’s some potential there,” he said, eyeing me. “But we have other rooms to look at.”

We left his office, and I was surprised to realize there was a new door on the wall just before the stairs.

“Did you have them add another door? Why?”

“Yes, Pip. I had them add another door. To nowhere. Just a door,” Agnarr said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Alright, alright. I knew we both had surprises. I just didn’t expect—Well, I don’t know what I expected,” I huffed.

“Maybe you should open the door?”

I rolled my eyes but opened the door all the same. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t what I found. Agnarr had them add on an entire room. A whole ass room. I was no carpenter, but my brain couldn’t really wrap itself around how there was no room here before, and now there was one. I decided not to think about it too much. The room was pretty spacious but had seating everywhere, all overstuffed and cozy looking, from armchairs to little padded poufs. It was brightly colored and felt warm and welcoming.

“What is this room for?” I asked, admiring it.

“Count the seating.”


“Count the seating.”

I quickly counted all the chairs, poufs, and cushions. Twelve. There were twelve places to sit comfortably. Dammit, my eyes started to well up. If I were going to be mated to someone this sweet, the waterworks would never stop.

“You made a room for me and all the women?” I cried.

“They’ll want to see you often. AndIwant to see you often. This way, you don’t have to go to them. They have a place they can feel comfortable here,” he said as if it were some simple thing.

I wrapped myself around him, squeezing with all my might, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

Agnarr wrapped me up in his arms, kissing me from the top of my head down to my cheek and settling where my neck met my shoulder.

“No more surprises, though, right? I already told you about all of mine. I don’t want to be a crying mess all day,”

Agnarr looked almost remorseful as he scooped me up bridal style and carried me out of the room. I yelped in surprise.

“I’m terribly sorry, Pip, but I have one more surprise,” he said, voice low, as he carried me up the stairs.



Icarried Pip up the stairs toward the largest bedroom in the back. Having not seen anywhere else in the house set up for a proposal, I knew Billie must have done it in our bedroom. Excellent choice, given that it was taking all I could not to bend Piper over my new desk and fuck her senseless. Lovely as the desk was, the sentiment behind it was far more touching. Pip had put so much thought into what I would need to lead. I smiled down at her.

“Agnarr, if you are taking me upstairs to fuck me in our new bed, that’s not a surprise,” she said, meeting my gaze. She was trying to figure out what else I had planned.

“What makes you think I want to fuck you in our new bed?”

“Well. First, you always want to fuck me. Second, we haven’t had sex in like three days because we’ve been so busy. I expect you are crawling out of our skin like I am. Third, it’s our new bed.”
