Page 62 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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I stifled a laugh, “These are all solid points. And yes, I would like to fuck you in our new bed. I hope you thought to get several bedding sets because I plan to make a mess of you. But no, that is not what the surprise is.”

She squinted up at me, and I looked straight ahead. I was determined to make it to our new bedroom without telling her. I reached our door and twisted the knob while still holding her in my arms. I pushed it open and found Billie had outdone herself.

There were candles everywhere. They lit a table on either side of our bed, sat flickering in a neat row on the mantle of our second fireplace, and in a beautiful candelabra on a low table in front of it. She’d arranged winter greenery in the empty spaces, bunching it into beautiful displays that made the red berries that grew in the snow almost glow in the candlelight. I knew I only had a moment before everything clicked into place for Piper.

I let go enough for her to find her feet and took a knee before her. I couldn’t help but feel a bit foolish, but choosing to believe Billie, I grasped Pip’s hands. Her mouth hanging open in shock was enough to tell me I was on the right track. She looked at me, stunned.

“Agnarr, wha— what?”

I’d practiced this many times. I had to get it right the first time.

“Piper, I know I am not who you expected for a partner. I know I went about our relationship in a way that is entirely foreign to you. But I want you to know that I love you with all that I am. You challenge me and make me strive to be the best version of myself. I want to be that orc for you and you alone. I want to be by your side when you wake each morning and hold you every night as you fall asleep. I don’t just want to be your mate. I want to be your husband. I want to build a life and a family together and rule together, side by side. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me and allow me to love you for the rest of our lives?”

I pulled the ring box out of my cloak pocket and opened it in front of Piper.

Pip’s mouth opened and closed and opened again. I’d rendered her speechless.

“Pip, I think this is where you are supposed to answer me.”

“Agnarr, you didn’t have to—we don’t have to—” she stammered.

I interrupted her, “Oh, but I did. And we do. So will you? Will you marry me?”

“Ye—yes, yes. Yes,” she said before falling to her knees and wrapping herself around me, completely ignoring the ring in my hand and pulling me in for a kiss.

I attempted to make it a brief press of our lips so I could put the ring on her finger and finish the proposal properly, but Piper had none of it. She slid her hands into my hair and tugged at my lower lip with her teeth. I opened for her, letting her small, soft tongue invade my mouth. She stroked her tongue against mine, sliding it up and down. The feel and taste of her were an onslaught to my senses.

The ring would have to wait. I set the box on the floor and grabbed Piper by the waist, pulling her closer to me. I needed more of her. I pulled at the bottom of her tunic, attempting to take it off, but she stopped me.

“Do you remember what I wanted when we first met? When you felled that stupid tree on me?” she asked, reaching for the laces in my leather pants.

“You wanted... um... you wanted—” She was expecting me to think now? With my mind in complete disarray at the smell of her arousal and the feel of her yanking my pants down.

“I wanted you to fuck me—and you wouldn’t. Because you said you wanted it to be more than just a casual fuck in the woods.”

She wrapped her hand around the base of my cock, giving it a firm tug. All control I’d had of the situation completely vanished.

“Well, now it isn’t some casual fuck in the woods. I want you to fuck me like you and I both knew we wanted to then,” she pumped me up and down, leaning her forehead against mine.

I tried to gather my thoughts. I’d expected this to be one of our more sensual lovemaking sessions, given the candles and the proposal, but here Pip was, again, completely surprising me.

“Pip, if you don’t stop that, I won’t be able to fuck you at all,” I groaned as she continued to work my shaft.

She released me. I stood, pulling her up as she wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my waist, all while kissing up my neck and along my jaw. I stood trapped, with my pants half down and my new fiancee attempting to devour me with enthusiasm.

I pulled back, “If we are going to make it to the bed, you need to let me get my pants all the way off.”

She stopped the open mouth kisses she was pressing against the sensitive skin behind my ear reluctantly and let me go. She looked at me mischievously before quickly shucking her boots and her pants, leaving her in nothing but the tunic that barely covered her ass and cunt. I was nearly drooling at the sight of her rounded cheeks as she walked to our bed.Our bed.She was right. It was an excellent bed. Large, with four posters and an expanse of soft gray bedding.

I finished stripping and joined her. Pip moaned as I settled my larger body over hers, letting her scent envelop me like a drug. I wanted to be everywhere at once.

“Hello, my sweet Pip,” kiss, “my mate,” kiss, “my fiancée,” I punctuated each statement with a bruising kiss, leaving Pip panting and writhing under me.

“Fiancée, eh?” She grinned.

“You did say yes. Am I mixing up how this works?” I asked, acting clueless on purpose.

“Yes, that is how this works. We are engaged,” she laughed. “I’m engaged to my fated orc mate. Sure, that makes sense.”
