Page 68 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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“I’m ready,” he said firmly.

“Okay then, I think it’s your turn. Remember. Give the rings to Brandr, then stand next to him.”

“I remember. Mom told me to remind you to breathe,” he informed me before turning and heading into the longhouse.

I laughed, thinking of Tora telling Odin that I might forget to breathe. And then it was just me, alone, with my thoughts outside the longhouse. Billie told me to count to sixty after Odin left before heading in. I got to sixty, took a couple of steadying breaths, and slowly headed in. I was grateful for the girls who remembered a bouquet for me. I’d thought to decorate the longhouse with winter greenery, but Jo remembered that Billie and I should have bouquets. Mine was a lovely arrangement of greenery sprinkled with small red berries. I purposefully looked at the bouquet as I crossed the threshold of the longhouse, letting everyone get a good look at me before I headed down the aisle.

I took a step, and everyone in the room stood and turned to me. I'd forgotten about that part. I tried to collect my thoughts, but everything seemed to be scattering with all eyes on me.

Breathe in, breathe out. You can’t faint in front of the entire tribe. Breathe. Just breathe.

I looked up, and there he was. I locked eyes with Agnarr. He could see the panic in my face. Panic that no one else would recognize. He smiled and nodded to me, silently telling me to keep my eyes on him. That was it. I could do that. I could walk down the aisle and let him hold me up. I smiled back. A genuine smile, not a smile I put on when things weren’t okay, but I had to pretend they were. A smile because it was him I got to walk to.

I took a step and then another, and then, before I knew it, I was there. I handed my bouquet to Billie and grabbed Agnarr’s open hands, hanging on for dear life. I looked up and smiled, grateful for his steadying presence. I was marrying him. I was ruling this tribe with him.

“Hi,” he whispered.

“Hi,” I breathed.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes. Definitely,” I squeezed his hands in mine.

“Please be seated,” Astrid said, addressing the entire tribe. “Are you okay?” she asked quietly as everyone settled.

“I am now.” I didn’t take my eyes off Agnarr.

“Members of Fýrifírar, we gather on a historic day for our tribe. Today, we recognize the bonds that Agnarr and Piper have made, both human and orkin. We celebrate a newly mated pair, and we announce them as the new leaders of our tribe, welcoming a new bright future for Fýrifírar. Jarl Agnarr and Jarlin Piper will rule, side by side, equal in all ways, Elska mates, husband and wife. They stand here before you to publicly share their commitment to each other and their shared commitment to Fýrifírar. Agnarr, Piper, would you like to exchange vows?”

Agnarr and I nodded, and I was suddenly glad that we’d decided I would go first.

“Agnarr, I’ve never had anyone to rely on. I built a wall to protect myself because I had no one to protect me. I don’t need that wall anymore. You are my safe place to land, my island in a choppy sea. I know I can rely on you in all ways. You see me and you love me, knowing my struggles and my flaws. I give myself to you completely, knowing I am safe in your arms. I’ll love you forever,” my voice was quivering by the end, but I got there without shedding a tear. I gave Agnarr a shaky smile, nervous that I’d crack open at whatever he’d prepared.

“Piper. I have wanted a mate since I realized how special the bond between my parents was. I’d all but given up hope on finding one when I saw your delicate frame slumped over in my chair. I hadn’t even seen your face when I knew. Being in your presence woke up part of me I didn’t know was asleep. And when I finally got to meet you, to understand your fiery spirit and your iron will, I knew there would be no one else for me.” Agnarr paused and wiped the tears streaming down my cheeks with large thumbs, holding my face in his hands. “I am still learning what it means to have you as a partner, but I know you are all I will ever need. You make me laugh, even when I shouldn’t. You show me what I am capable of, pushing me, pushing us to be the best we can be for each other and this tribe. I will be at your side as long as I remain on this plane.”

We stood, just staring at each other for a beat. I could hear Billie attempting to hide sniffles behind me, and it pulled me back to reality and the realization that all eyes were on us.

“Members of Fýrifírar, please rise,” Astrid called out to the crowd. Every member stood, “Do you, members of Fýrifírar, promise to help guide Jarl Agnarr and Jarlin Piper to informed decisions, to advise and counsel, and to assume the best intentions?” she asked.

“We do,” the entire tribe boomed in unison.

“You may be seated. Brandr, the rings, please.” Brandr passed Astrid the box. “Piper and Agnarr, are you ready to exchange rings?”

We both nodded. We hadn’t practiced what we would say as we placed the rings on each other’s fingers. Agnarr took my ring from the box and slid it onto my still-shaking finger, “Piper, this ring is a symbol of our commitment to each other and our commitment to Fýrifírar. I promise to love you for as long as I have breath in my lungs.” Damn this hulking orc and how much I loved him. I was not a pretty crier. I probably looked like a fucking mess.

I took Agnarr’s ring from the box, seeing it for the first time. It bore the same intricate details as mine, just on a larger scale. I took Agnarr’s hand and took a deep breath, “Agnarr, this ring is a symbol of my commitment, love, and devotion to you. I promise to love you and lead by your side for the rest of my days,” I slid the ring onto his finger and gripped his hands in mine.

“Agnarr and Piper, do you promise to be faithful to each other in all ways, to rely on each other when times are hard, to wake up every day and choose each other?”

“We do,” Agnarr and I said in unison.

“Do you promise to do what is best for Fýrifírar and seek opinions and guidance from others when making decisions for the tribe?”

“We do.”

“Agnarr and Piper, you may seal your commitment with a kiss.”

Cheers erupted around us but sounded faint as if everything had fallen away. It was only the two of us. Agnarr pulled me into an embrace, his hands warm on the bare skin of my back, his hungry lips on mine. I kissed him back with all that I had as if trying to convey the truth of all the promises I had just made. I was his, wholly and utterly. Knowing I would never have to take a step without his steadying presence was enough to keep me happy from now until forever.

* * *
