Page 56 of Admittedly For Me

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“Here I thought you came to talk about last night, again.” My heart jumps to my throat, but I sigh, feigning disinterest.

“Alright, if you want to talk about us, then I’ll listen.”

“I thought I knew where to start with you, Emery.” His deep breath expands his chest, widening his shoulders.

“A little presumptuous, aren’t you.” I roll my eyes.

But with each step he takes, my stomach inches higher to my throat. I hadn’t realized I’d been taking steps backward until my back hits the door, startling me. His hand meets the side of the wall over my shoulder as he towers over me. Leaning in, his lips ghost against my ear before his husky voice continues.

“The only words coming to mind are asking you to give me free rein. This little dress you’re wearing would look pretty tied around your wrists and over my bedpost.” My eyes try to zone in on the deer head, but Ian is too close. “I want you to give me the okay to control every inch of your body as you beg for my cock in your pussy again.”

“I––” At a loss for words and needing a change of underwear, I remain silent.

“I want to see you squirm.” His other forearm lifts and rests on the door above my head, sucking me into every word he speaks. “My cock is so fucking hard right now.” I glance down, but I don’t want to move my hips forward to check, because I know that will have me giving in to more. “I want to bend you over my couch and claim you as mine. Slap that sexy ass of yours and watch it jiggle.” His forehead rests on mine as his tongue traces over his lips. “I’d like to spend every damn day knowing you’re mine.” I have too much going for me in Aspen. “But I’m sure you need to head out because you haven’t worked on yourself enough in order to be happy with someone again...” He’s so confident, and correct.

I feel my mouth open, attempting to form a response, but I remain mute. The familiar ache between my legs grows at his dominance. With the slightest invitation, I know he can tend to more than my body can handle. In the best way. A simple nod would be all the confirmation he needs to allow him to consume me.

My mind and body need to keep it together. Not knowing if I’ve been standing here, speechless, for a minute or an hour, I somehow muster the words.

“You can’t keep your employees waiting.” My throat dries as I close my eyes, feeling him back away.

“Thanks for the sweatshirt. Have a fun trip with the girls.” Ian flips a switch, and his tone becomes lighter. Unaffected. “I’ll be here if you need to talk, or not talk.” My eyes open as he disappears into his bedroom.

I stumble onto the front porch, placing both hands on a post. He makes me lose all ability to think and just feel. My head spins, waiting for gravity to rebalance me. “Holy shit,” I breathe out loudly as nerves begin twisting in my gut. I head back to the house, and as I whip up an exquisite four-course meal for my aunt, she lets me do my thing without any pressing questions.

* * *

“Did you get any sleep last night?” Hallie asks as soon as we walk off the plane.

“I’m so in my head right now. A lot has happened the past few weeks.” I haven’t slept in days, but I’m sure she’s asking because of how quiet I’ve been on the drive to the airport and the entire plane ride. “Do I look tired?”

“You look like you need a year of sleep and so many hugs.” Hallie sighs, as we sit in the cab on the way to the Vegas strip. “How did the hospital event go?”

“Emotionally draining, but I got my mind off it and I’m better now.” She gives me her typical look of disapproval and shakes her head. I settle into my seat, relieved she let it slide, and stare out the window for the rest of the cab ride.

I’m surprised the hotel is nothing fancy for the amount we all split for it. I walk to the window and notice it overlooks the crowded pool. I’ll pass on that. Drunk people practically bathing with each other has never seemed appealing to me.

Savannah smiles, walking through the door, and sets her bag down.Hallie and I arrived on a different plane a bit later and haven’t been waiting long for Savannah to finish the audition with her student.

“I can’t believe we are actually here together,” Savannah squeals. “Now that audition is out of the way––which I think she nailed, considering how she’s been picking up new routines in a matter of minutes back home.”

“That’s amazing! Maybe our town will be known for two famous people.” I wonder how Avery Carlin, a girl who was in Ian’s grade, has been enjoying life after leaving town. She skyrocketed to the top of the country music charts the past couple of years with every new release. She looks happy, enjoying life to its fullest outside of Beechwood Falls.

“Make that three.” Savannah winks at me. “You’re on your way to chef stardom.”

“Maybe one day. Can I go to my favorite celebrity chef’s restaurant tonight?” I’ve never felt so giddy from a daydream.

“Anything for you.” Savannah and I look at Hallie for approval as she stares out the window.

“I forgot how cool this place was.” Hallie keeps her eyes on the view.

I turn to Savannah, who mirrors the same puzzled face as me.

“I’m pretty sure you would have mentioned a Vegas trip, even if I was living in Aspen.”

“Um, yeah,” Savannah cuts in. “You’ve never been to Vegas.”

“Ian and I may have snuck away here for a night when I graduated high school.” Hallie pauses with a guilty face. “I wasn’t old enough to get into the casinos. That’s also the time we realized we weren’t that compatible.” Her eyes dance around the living room nervously.“Everything kind of unfolded.”
