Page 30 of He Saved Me

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Fuck that.

Before I could make a run down the street, strong arms wraps around my waist and covers my mouth with their hand.

I fight them with everything I have. If I’m going down, I’m not going down without a fight.

When I’m free, I steady myself and turn around and knee the asshole in his junk.


You have got to be shitting me!


“Yeah,” he grunts cupping his junk and leaning over. “Jesus. I’m dying here.”

“Oh, my God! I’m so sorry…wait…” I smack his chest. “What is wrong with you? You scared the shit out of me!” I screech at him. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to take you home.” He exhales while righting himself.

“And why in the hell were you walking down the alley at night by yourself?” He ask when he finally composes himself.

“Never mind that. Why are you the one taking me home?”

“What do you mean why?” Now he sounds annoyed.

“How did you know I was off work?”

“Seb,” he hisses through clenched teeth.

Of course, that fucker.

“Seb told me your car was in the shop and asked me to pick you up. I gotta say, I was a little hurt you didn’t call me.” His eyes are full of pain and not from the kick to his dick.

I look away, not wanting to explain myself.

I can’t keep risking putting him in danger. If he finds out about the threatening text messages, it’s only going to fuel his anger and he’ll want to watch me 24/7.

I can’t let him put his baseball career in jeopardy. He needs to focus on his future, and not the drama that always follows me like a bad rash.


“Just let me take you home,” he begs. “I just want to make sure you get home safe. That’s all.”

This a bad idea.

Whomever is sending me these text messages could be watching us. They will know how much Donnie means to me if they haven’t figured it out yet. But when I look at the pained expression on his face, and note of desperation in his tone, I lose all reserve and give in to his request.

“Ok.” With his hand on my lower back, he leads me to his car. I glance the area once more before climbing in. After settling in the passenger side, he slides in and looks over at me.

“What?” I ask, reaching for the seatbelt.

“Nothing, it’s just good to see you.” He gives me a genuine smile.

“It’s good to see you too.”

“Yeah?” His eyes are full of hope.

“Just shut up and drive.” I smile back but it slowly fades when my phone vibrates.
