Page 35 of He Saved Me

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Did she change her mind? Did something happen? I sit silently, hunched over the bench and staring at my phone, waiting for those damn bubbles.

“Hey.” Ash smacks my knee with his mitt.

“Hey,” I respond without looking at him.

“What’s wrong?”


“She hasn’t texted yet, has she?” Ash grabs a bottle of Gatorade.

I shake my head, still staring at my phone.

“She’ll be here. Stop worrying. Come on.”

I nod, disappointed, and toss my phone in my bag. I grab my mitt and jog out to the field.

We practice tossing the ball until the whistle blows. The Coach calls us back into the dugout, going over the plays. After his motivational speech, we take our position on the field.

As I make my way to the pitcher’s mound, my eyes scan the stands, and my heart stops beating when my gaze locks on Shorty sitting between my parents.

She’s here.

I can’t help hide the stupid grin on my face.

“Let’s play ball!”

Chapter 20- Sadie

The traffic was at a standstill for thirty minutes. I was afraid I was going to miss the first part of the game, but thankfully fate worked in my favor. Donnie’s mother was waiting for me at the front gate. We walked to our seats which were very close to the field.

I made it just as the guys spilled onto the field. Donnie was the last to join his team and God did he look sexy as hell in his white and red uniform.

Donnie’s muscles shifted beneath his clothes as he ran. My mouth watered at the sight of his tight ass.

It was a cool night with no threat of rain. The temperature had dropped five degrees since I’ve arrived. I threw on my hoodie when a light breeze blew through my hair causing my body to shudder.

According to Charles, Donnie’s team won six games in a row last year. From his proud expression, he saw Donnie as a legend.

“Strike one!” the announcer yells through the speakers.

Donnie is killing it out there. Each ball he throws flies with a significant amount of power. I glance further out in the field and noticed Ash is covering ground. He caught a few “almost” home runs.

The crowd chants “We will rock you” when Donnie’s team wins the game, 6 to 2. Everyone is on their feet screaming and yelling Donnie’s name as the team joins him to celebrate their win.

I am in awe at how they almost worship Donnie as if he is a God. I knew he was good, but tonight—he blew it out of the water. He is closer than ever to his dream of making pro.

“Looks like someone’s waiting for you.” Jacquie, Donnie’s mom nudges my elbow and flicks her head towards the field.

Our eyes collide with one another. I feel his gaze burning into my skin. Suddenly, one of the cheerleaders stands in front of him, trying to gain his attention, but he doesn’t even look her way. His intense gaze remains fixed on me.

With his mitt in his hand, he brushes past her and jogs in my direction. I meet him halfway at the fence.

“Hey.” He grins like a Cheshire cat.


“I’m glad you came.”
