Page 70 of He Saved Me

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The door to my room opens and slams against the wall. Mom and Dad bulldoze in.

“I’m ok, Mom,” I rasp.

“My babies,” she cries, hugging me and then Ash who lays in the bed beside mine.

We are both lucky to have made it out alive after Seb and the guys showed up.

“Here comes the Justice League!” Gio’s voice rings in my ear. Seb, Max, Gio, and a handful of other guys I’ve never seen before bust through the doors.

“We meet again, Frankie,” Seb says in a cool tone as he walks into the room without showing any fear.

“How the hell did you find me?” Frankie asks, aiming the gun away from Shorty and at the guys.

“You’re one dumb fucker, Frankie. It didn’t take long to get one of your guys to break. He led us here.”

“Fuck you, mother—” Frankie roars.

Two gun shots.

I look up to see Frankie’s body fall to the ground beside Shorty. Seb and the guys come rushing in and undo our restraints, but I rear back and say, “Shorty and Tia first.” My voice is thick with anger.

“Fuck,” Seb swears under his breath as he runs toward the girls.

“Are they ok?” I strain to get out. No response.

“Seb?” I wheeze, trying to catch my breath. An agonized cry makes my body shudder.

“Is she ok?” I finally find my voice again. My belly cramps with fear.

“Tell me, damnit!” Panic rises in my chest as I fear the worst.

“No, she’s not ok.”

After Seb and the guys took care of Frankie, we were all rushed to the hospital. I couldn’t ride with Shorty, but I was able to follow them as soon as she was wheeled into the trauma room.

I’ve never been so scared in my life.

Finding Shorty stabbed in her home was nothing compared to what I found in the warehouse. Ash and I have a concussion, a few bruises, and scrapes, but nothing major. Nothing like the girls.

“What have you heard?” Ash asks.

Mom clears her throat and brushes the tears from her eyes while Dad rubs her back in a soothing manner, but he has a heartbreaking look on his face.

“Tia is in the ICU. She had multiple injuries, including a concussion. But the doctors are adamant that she will make a full recovery.”

“And Shorty?” My voice cracks.

Mom gives me a devastating look that makes the blood in my veins freeze.

“No,” I say in desperation.

“She’s alive…”


“Baby, she’s hurt really bad.”

“I have to get out of here.” My voice shakes in horror. I scramble to remove the IVs and stupid wires that are attached to my body. Dad intervenes and pushes me back against the bed.
