Page 128 of A Second Chance

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My body freezes at her question.

Rape?No. She wasn’t raped. My world comes crushing down on me and buries me alive underneath the rubble.

“Mav, get in the car,” Sam demands, but I can’t move. My Tinkerbelle was raped?

I’m going to be sick.

“Guards, get him in the limo,” Sam instructs the security.

“No comment!” Sam hollers as she moves me toward the limo.

The outside voices are muffled once we’re safely in the car. I hear Sam talking but I tune her out. The only sound I hear is the blood pounding in my ears and my heart shattering into pieces.

She was raped.

A broken cry tears out from my throat.

And where the fuck was I?

Living my dream.



As I painted a gift for Maverick, "Wasted" by Brandi Carlile filled my ears. Suddenly, a gentle tap on my shoulder interrupts my focus, and I quickly remove my headphones to see my parents standing in my room. Their faces spoke volumes, and I knew something was wrong. Dad's expression was torn, while Mom's eyes were puffy and red, with tears streaming down her face.

I was immediately concerned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mom's voice quivered as she spoke, "Scar, is it true?"

I looked between them, trying to understand what they meant. "What's true?" I ask, my tone full of worry.

Mom struggled to get the words out as she said, "Were you ra-raped?"

My heart stopped at her question.How did they know?The only person I had confided in was Gem, and I trusted her completely. After all, she had promised never to reveal my secret, especially after Cole's warning.

My eyes shimmer with tears, and without uttering a single word, Dad collapses onto his knees, unleashing an earth-shattering cry. It tore my heart to witness him crumble.

My mother came rushing towards me, engulfing me in a fierce embrace as tears of anguish burst forth from her soul. I deeply regret that they have discovered the truth.

"I'm okay. Believe me, I am." My voice quivers as I desperately reassure them.

My father gasps for air as if he's desperately grasping for life. "Why didn't you tell us?"

As tears stream down my face, my mom reluctantly lets me go. She wipes away my tears with a gentle hand and smiles weakly. I summon all my strength and courage to disclose every detail to them. My words unravel the events of the night. Tears stream down their faces under the weight of my confession. I recount the moment I woke up, and their sobs grew louder. When I get to Cole's threats, their sorrowful cries pierce through the air, echoing the pain and trauma of that horrible night.

"Everything is going to be fine," she promises, eyes locking onto mine. "We love you so much."

"I love you too." I manage to choke out.

Dad reaches for my hand. His devastated expression breaks my heart. "We'll make this right, doodlebug. No matter what happens, we'll take care of you and Shaun. You're not alone in this."

The weight of his words sinks in, and I feel a glimmer of hope flicker inside me. Despite the fear and uncertainty that grips me, I know my family is behind me, ready to face whatever comes our way.

* * *

Iasked my parents how they found out. They revealed that it had been all over the news during Ricky's premiere. The news had reached him before I could tell him. I felt crushed and heartbroken knowing he had to find out this way.

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