Page 129 of A Second Chance

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Ricky had tried to call me several times since then, but I didn't have the energy to talk to him about it and relive the night's events. I knew I would eventually have to face it, but not tonight.

Mom and Dad had gone to Dad's office to devise a plan to fight the battle I had dreaded for years. They were determined to help me through it, and I was grateful for their support.

I had always thought Mom and Dad would have a different attitude towards Shaun, but I was wrong. They didn't care who Shaun's father was because that didn't define him. He was a part of me, and that was all that mattered to them.

As soon as Mom and Dad left, I pushed aside the day and redirected my full attention toward my son. After our movie night, I carefully tucked my little monster into bed. Leaning over, I gently kiss his forehead before tiptoeing out of the room. As I go down the stairs to the living room, I reach for my phone when an unexpected sound catches my attention.

I hold my breath and wait for it to repeat, but no other noise follows. Just as I shift my focus back to my phone, a sharp knock echoes through the quiet house. I glance at the clock display on my phone, which reads 10:45 p.m. The late hour and the unfamiliar noise make me uneasy. I know it’s not Mom since she’s working until the morning.

Cautiously, I walk to the front door and see nothing through the peephole. I suspect the unusual noises might be some kids playing a prank. I turn off the lights and go to the kitchen. After cleaning everything from dinner, I pick up the trash bag and headed toward the back door. I step outside, the cool night breeze hitting my face. Upon reaching the bin, I open the lid and carefully empty the contents, making sure not to spill anything.

"I fucking warned you.”

The voice against my ears holds so much venom.


He slams the door with his foot and pushes me forward. He doesn't give me time to right myself when he yanks back my arm, making me yelp in pain. He drags me up the stairs, and my heart hammers against my chest, knowing my son is in one of the rooms. When we reach my room, he throws me in like a rag doll, and I land on my side.

I groan and roll on my back, trying to catch my breath. He closes the door and ties my hands and feet with a wire that digs into my skin. He looks down at me with disdain. He grabs my chin with force, pinching the skin. "Didn’t I tell you what would happen if you opened your mouth?" he spits out.


"What are you talking about?" I whisper.

He squeezes my chin. "It was all over the goddamn news!" he barks in my face.

Tears are running down my face the harder he squeezes.

"My life will be ruined because of you!" He backhands me and spit flies out of my mouth.

"I swear, it wasn’t me. Please," I cry, holding my bound wrists in front of me.

He smacks my hands away from my face, yanks me up by my hair, and drags me into the bathroom. He throws me until my back hits the wall. I cry out, but that just pisses him off even more.

He's digging in the drawers until he finds what he's looking for—my razor. I swallow a lump of fear, and the tears fall harder.

"Stop your fucking crying!" He slaps me hard enough that my head smacks against the wall. Stars dance in front of me from the impact.

He pulls the razor out and turns to me with a wicked grin, and my heart beats against my chest.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I ask with a trembling voice.

"I told you what would happen. Didn’t I?" He sneers and marches toward me.

"No. Please don't do this! It wasn't me. I would never put my son at risk!" I try to plead with him, but he is too far gone. There's no reasoning with him.

"Mom?" Shaun cries out for me and bangs on the door with his little fists. He must've heard the screams.

"Mommy! Open the door!"

Cole has a wicked glit in his eyes, and he looks over his shoulder to my room and then back to me.

"Please don't hurt him! He's just a little boy."

"This is your fault!" He roars and punches me in the face.

My son's cries get louder, and I fear for his life. With all my strength, I kick Cole in the shin and scream. "Paint me a picture, baby! Paint me a picture," I croak.
