Page 28 of A Second Chance

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Her trembling lips and the regret shining in her eyes tells me she didn't.

"He bought a ring and everything. But when he came to your place…" I couldn't finish what I was going to say. I notice her expression has changed, and she seems to understand where the conversation was headed. Seth bought her a ring, but it wasn't an engagement ring per se, but more of a promise ring. Seth had gone to great lengths to select the perfect ring for Tiffany, ensuring that it was exactly what she wanted. But then, the ring became a painful reminder of her betrayal. That day, Seth couldn't speak and trashed his room instead. He broke his knuckles from punching the wall. It took Maverick, Kable, and Mason to calm him, but it didn't last because Dad came home. When he walked through the front door, Seth attacked him, knocking him on his ass. Mom happened to walk in a few minutes later, eyes wide in shock, seeing her son beating the shit out of his father. When the words "He was fucking my girlfriend" came out of his mouth, Mom staggered backward and howled. I will never forget the devastation on my brother's face, knowing his father betrayed him in the worst way possible. My brother's light was gone in an instant and overtaken by darkness.

Tiffany's sobs bring me back to the present, disrupting the memory of that day. Her body shakes with emotion as she wraps her arms around herself.

All I feel is pure hate and disgust.

"He was lost because ofyou. He drank himself to numb the painyouand my father caused."

She cries harder and flinches at my words.

"Get the fuck off my property before I kill you myself." My words are flat, without emotion, even though my heart is breaking into a million pieces…for my brother.

I don't wait for a response. Instead, I turn my ass around and slam the door shut behind me, causing the pictures on the wall to shake.

The pain and heartache take over as I slide to the floor with my hands covering my face. The tears flow desperately as I cry for my brother and the pain I'm drowning in.

* * *

Ihave remained in the same spot since Tiffany left. I feel the darkness trying to take over my mind and body.

The angry thoughts in my head make me want to die.

The hurt is unbearable.

The tears won't stop falling.

God. I'm so sick of crying.

Whenever I close my eyes, I see Seth's tormented face, eyes full of darkness, and what he looked like the nights he drank until he passed out. He would do anything to numb the pain…to not feel anymore.

I shake my head and grind my teeth, holding back a sob. I use my fists to rub my eyes, fighting the urge to lose my shit.

The feelings become overwhelming.

My chest tightens like a boulder is holding me down.

I can't breathe. It hurts to force it.

I want to scream until my voice gives out.

I want to hit something until I can't feel the pain anymore.

I need the voices to go away.

Why won't they shut up?

I rock back and forth, holding onto my head and repeating the same mantra I’ve used many times before.

"Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop."

Suddenly, the world stops spinning. One of my fondest memories is of Seth, playfully chasing me around the yard with a water gun filled with paint. The memory is so vivid, it feels as if it happened just yesterday.

"Paint the world the way you see it, Scar. Be the rainbow. Be the sun. Be yourself."

Like a caged animal, I curl myself into a ball and wait for the heavy emotions to strangle me whole.

