Page 33 of A Second Chance

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Something doesn't feel right.

Her room looks like a tornado went through it. My heart plummets to my stomach.

Her bed isn't made.

Clothes hang out of the dresser drawers and are spread all over the carpet.

Her pillows are ripped, and Tinkerbelle's plush doll is torn to shreds.

What the hell happened? Did she have one of her episodes?

"Scar!" I cry out frantically.

I notice her half-open bathroom door, and my feet move without thinking. Panic claws at my throat, and finding it difficult to breathe, I shove the door open to see Scar's lifeless-looking body slumped against the wall. Her honey-blonde hair hides her face, and her head slants to the side.

"Scar!" I rush toward her. My feet slip on the wet floor, and I grip the counter's edge to prevent my fall.

"What the…"

I look down to the floor and notice the blood surrounding Scar.

That's too much blood.

How could so much blood come out of her tiny body?

Grabbing the towel from the rack, I drop to my knees and wrap it around her wrists.

"Scar, what the fuck did you do?" My voice strains as I pull the hair away from her face.

My breath catches when I notice how pale she is.

Her lips are turning blue.

I didn't realize how much she suffered, so much that Scar felt she had to end her life. Seth's death took a toll on her, and I regret not pushing harder to stay in her life. Instead, I was too focused on Skylar and the news of her being pregnant.

Pulling out my phone, I dial 9-1-1. The operator answers promptly, and I quickly explain the situation. She takes down my location and assures me that an ambulance is on the way.

"Oh, God. I can’t lose you too."

I failed Scar.

I broke my promise to Seth.




As I stepped inside the garage, I noticed Seth pacing back and forth, his face etched with worry. His steps were quick and agitated. I could sense that something was wrong.

I walked further into the room with my hands tucked into the pockets of my jeans. His hair was unkempt, and his clothes were wrinkled. His eyes seemed clouded with concern, which caused my heart to race. I couldn't help but ask, "Hey, are you okay?"

Seth ran his hands through his hair and looked at me with a wild expression. "Mav, man...I..." He trailed off, leaving me anxious about what he might say next.

"Is Scar okay?" My heart sank and a wave of panic washed over me.

Seth's body tensed up as he rested his hands on top of his head. His breathing became heavy and erratic as he crouched, bowing his head in despair. Anxiety began to gnaw inside me as I watched him.
