Page 43 of A Second Chance

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"So, what now?" she asks.

I frown. "What do you mean?"

"You got your GED, so…are you going to college like we always planned?”


How could I forget?

Gem and I have planned our futures since we were six years old. We decided we would get away from the small town and move to the big apple.

"I'm not sure," I admit. I haven’t thought about anything since Seth’s death.

"You could still come with me," she says in a quiet tone. I look at my best friend with raised brows. "Did you get in?"

She solemnly nods.

"That's great, Gem!" I pull her into a hug.

She has worked so hard for this moment, and now it has finally arrived. Going to college means leaving behind her family and friends. I just wish she'd see it as a chance to follow her dreams and start a new chapter in her life.

Gem gives me a squeeze and whispers, "Thanks."

When we pull apart, a tear hangs from one of her eyelashes, and it drops when she blinks.

“I’m happy for you. When do you leave?”

Gem sighs, leans back, and runs her hands through her hair. “Next Monday.”

Wow. That soon?

“Okay, so…that means we have the whole weekend to cause all kinds of trouble.”

Gem’s grin widens. “This is going to be the best weekend ever.”



Have you ever done anything crazy when you’re pissed off at the world or just so tired of the bullshit that you needsomethingto bring your spirits up? Today is that day.

Old Scar is dead.

The new me has been reborn.

After my shower, I stare at my closet, hoping it will spit out my outfit for the day like Madame de la Grande Bouche, the talking wardrobe. Unfortunately, I am not as lucky as Belle, so I opt for a soft knit light pink off-the-shoulder casual shirt with dark skinny jeans and off-white converse. My long, wavy, pastel pink hair reaches my elbows. My tattoos are on full display, another thing Mom freaked out about. My left forearm is adorned with a stunning watercolor rose arrangement tattoo, while my right arm bears the phrase "It's OK not to be OK." It was one of Seth's favorite expressions.

My phone vibrates, alerting me to a text message with a photo of her wearing a NYU hoodie and a Frappuccino in on hand.


I miss you!

Gemma has been in New York for one week, and I freaking miss her like crazy.


I miss you too.
