Page 42 of A Second Chance

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He hangs his head in defeat. He looks disappointed, but not surprised. "I understand," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just had to try."

We stand there for a few more moments, neither of us saying anything. I feel the tension between us, and I know that things will never be the same again.

Finally, he breaks the silence. "Well, I guess I should go," he says, turning to leave. He walks away and hops into his car I watch him go, feeling a pang of sadness in my chest. I always knew that this moment would come, but I never prepared for how it would feel. As I watch him drive away, I knew I would never forget this moment and how he looked at me when he realized that my feelings hadn't changed.

* * *

Mom came home an hour after Dad left, but I didn't tell her about his visit. The betrayal is too fresh. Mom brought home pizza, and we watched another romantic comedy. As the movie ended and the night crept in, I began to prepare for bed. Suddenly, my phone lit up and vibrated on the coffee table.


I’m sorry for showing up the way I did.

Without warning.

I just wanted to see with my own eyes that you were okay.

I could sense the care and concern in his voice through his words.


I board the private jet tomorrow morning.

He came for one day?


Please talk to me.

Before I can respond, there is a knock at the door. Setting my phone on the table, I walk to the door. When I twist the knob, ready to pull it open, Gemma barrels through and throws herself at me.

"Oh, my God! You're back!"

This is my first time seeing Gem since being released from the hospital. I wasn't ready to face her before now. I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself.

Her chocolate brown hair looks longer than it was the last time I saw her. It sits in the middle of her back, almost to her butt. She's wearing a fitted black tee, light ripped skinny jeans, and her favorite pair of black Baxter sandals.

Gemma squeezes me in another hug. "God, I'm so happy you're home."

"Shh." I bring my index finger to my lips, not wanting to wake Mom up since she is scheduled to work a double shift tomorrow. I incline my head toward the kitchen. Sliding the patio doors open, we step outside and sit on the back patio. It's one of those nights where the air is crisp and cool, but not too cold. The sky is clear and the stars shine bright. It's the perfect night for stargazing.

"I was pretty pissed off you didn't call me once you were released," Gem says quietly, but I can’t ignore the hurt behind her words.

"I'm sorry, Gem." I glance in her direction and offer a small smile. "I missed you too."

When she turns to me, concern flashes in her green eyes. "I was worried about you."

"I didn't mean to make you worry."

We sit in silence for a while, just listening to the sounds of the night. The leaves rustle in the wind, a distant owl hoots, and crickets chirp.

There's a brief pause before she speaks again.

"Have you spoken to Maverick?"

The pain in my chest tightens at the mention of his name. I wish I could escape the remnants Maverick left behind in his wake. No matter how often I push him out of my mind, he never really leaves. He's like a tenant who won't move out after he's been given the eviction notice.

I nod because that is all I can offer her.
