Page 51 of A Second Chance

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There’s a brief pause.

“Yes, sir. I’ll send her back.” She hangs up the phone, keeping her eyes on me.

“You can go back,” she says curtly, without further instructions.

I spin on my heels and walk down a narrow hallway with windows overlooking the mountains and empty conference rooms with clear glass doors. When I reach the end of the hall, there are only two options: I can turn left or right.

Now, where the hell am I supposed to go?

I turn around and notice a tall man in a black suit and red tie looking through a file as he walks toward me.

“Excuse me,” I call out, but he doesn’t look up or respond.

“Excuse me,” I say a little louder.

Again, nothing.

“Are you fucking serious? Hey!” I whisper-yell, startling him.

“Excuse me?” he asks with a glare.

What crawled up his ass?

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying for the last two minutes.”

“Who do you think—”

“What’s going on here?” A deep voice pulls my eyes away from the self-entitled asshole to a younger version of Matthew McConaughey with dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. He’s wearing a dark navy suit with a silver tie and pocket handkerchief, and he adjusts the cuffs on his right sleeve, waiting for a response.

“I’m here to deliver food to Mason, but I can’t seem to find my way.” I turn to face the asshole with silver eyes, rolling my eyes, and look back to the handsome creature.

He chuckles and points me in the direction of their suite.

“Thank you.” I walk past him and glance over my shoulder at the other guy. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” He continues to glare at me while Mr. Hot Stuff’s laughter fades when I open the frosted glass doors without knocking.

As soon as I walk in, I regret my spontaneousdon’t give a fuckattitude.

“Shit,” I say under my breath but not low enough for him to hear.

“Shit is right. Why did you think it was okay to walk through the door without knocking?” A tall, slim, older man with salt and pepper hair stares at me.


“Scar?” I glance over the man’s shoulder and stare into Mason’s face. He looked just as she remembered, with his charming smile and easy-going demeanor. Mason had always been known for his striking, stormy grey eyes. His shoulders had become broader and more muscular. His once wild brown hair was now short and neatly trimmed.

“Oh, shit!” He walks around the old man and pulls me into a bear hug, lifting my feet off the ground.

“Hi,” I say with a chuckle. "You really need to consider hiring better office staff. The girls in the office are a bunch of prissy bitches." I tell him.

"Well, they add beauty to the office." He chuckles, setting down onto my feet.

I shake my head at his comment. "I see you haven't lost your charm," I tease.

We laugh.

"I can't believe how long it's been," Mason said, shaking his head in amazement. “What have you been up to?”

"Not much, really. Busy being a mom." I say with pride.
