Page 52 of A Second Chance

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Mason's eyes widened in surprise. "Shut the fuck up. Wow. What's his name?" he asked, genuinely interested.

"Shaun, and he's the light of my life."

"Seth's middle name," he says quietly.

The mention of my brother's name brings up a wave of emotions, and I try to hold back my tears. I couldn't name my son Seth but giving him Seth's middle name meant Shaun had a little piece of Seth.

"I'm happy for you, Scarlett. You've always been so caring and nurturing; I can only imagine what a wonderful mother you are," Mason said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "If Seth was here, he would be so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mason." I couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret that they had lost touch for so many years. After Seth died, I distanced myself from the guys because they reminded me of Seth and all the good times we shared. However, looking back, I wish I had kept them in my life.

"So, what's with all the suits?" I ask curiously, changing the subject.

“Haven’t you heard? I’m being sued for defective medications that caused chronic pain.”

“Oh, that…sucks.”

He laughs. “Yeah, no shit.”

“Well, I should get going. We should catch up. I’d love for you to meet Shaun.” I hand him the bag and start to turn around when a large hand grabs my arm.

“Stay. Eat lunch with me,” Mason says with sincerity as he holds up the bags.

“I can’t,” I whisper, trying to get out of his hold. “I really have to get back to work.”

“Mason, we need to—Scarlett?”

The world stops turning, and everything around me screeches to a halt when I hear the sound of a man’s voice who I thought I had escaped from five years ago.

I turn to see my ex-boyfriend Cole Lawton, in a light charcoal vest and slacks. He’s leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, keeping his hard eyes on me. In the weeks Cole and I were together after Seth died, he never told me much about his personal life.

I start to open my mouth to respond when Cole speaks again. “You can leave now.”

“You heard the man, young lady. You’ve done your job so now you can leave.”

“What the hell did you just say?” Mason whips his head toward the old man.

The old man looks confused as his eyes dart between all of us.

“I meant you, Alan.Youneed to leave,” Cole explains, his bright blue eyes never straying from mine.

“But sir, what about the…”

“We’ll discuss it back at the office. You can go now, Alan. I won’t ask again.”

“Yes, sir.” He packs up his notes, shoves them in his bag, and walks past me with a glare.

I sense the intense pressure in the room. The pain sears through my head to my eardrums. It feels like the air in my lungs is expanding, making it difficult to breathe.

“I need to leave,” I whisper with tears pooling in my eyes.

“Scar, hold on. What’s wrong?” Mason grabs my arm, but I put my hands up, taking a few steps back.


“Mason, if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to Scar alone.” Cole doesn’t keep his eyes off me. “To catch up.”

Mason looks between us with furrowed brows, and he clenches his jaw. He shakes his head. "She needs to get back to her job. You can catch up with her on your own time."
