Page 53 of A Second Chance

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Cole turns to Mason. "I just want to talk to her. It won't take long. I'll meet you in the conference room for our meeting."

"You forget whose house you're in, Cole. If you wish to keep your job, I suggest you wait for me in the conference room." Mason replies firmly.

Cole stiffens at this, nods, and walks out the door, casting a hateful glance in my direction.

Mason turns to me and hisses, "Scar, what the hell was that?"

"Nothing. Just a ghost from the past. I'm okay," I lie, giving him a sheepish smile. "What's he doing here anyway?"

"His Dad's office is representing me. Cole started working for his father last year. I never cared for the little shit." Mason explains. He loosens his tie and quirks his eyebrows, "So, you dated that limp dick?"

A burst of laughter bubbles out of me. "Yeah, I did for a few weeks in high school. Nothing serious."

Mase stares at me as if he has more questions, but I wrap my arms around his neck. "I have to go, but it's so good to see you again."

He squeezes me back and says, "Don't be a stranger."

I pull back and smile. "I won't. I promise."

As I walk out of Mason's office, my mind is jumbled after coming face to face with Cole's piercing blue eyes, filled with nothing but venom and hatred. I feel like I'm about to fall apart, but a sudden force pulls me into an empty room before I can even process my thoughts. His grip on my arm is tight, and my heart races with fear and confusion.

A tingling sensation runs up my spine when the door slams behind him. My body is suddenly turned around, and I find myself facing Cole. My chest is pressed against his, and I can feel his warm breath on my face. I can't help but hold my breath as I look into his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but then hesitates and shuts it again, his lips forming a tight line.

“I never expected to see you again. But now that I have, it brings back memories of that night,” he says, his voice tinged with a hint of lust. “Do you remember, Scar?”

How can I not? The memory is so vivid that it feels like a permanent mark etched into my mind.

He rubs in nose against the bottom of my jaw, to my check, and nips at my earlobe. “Mm,” he purrs, “I will never forget your peach scent. Gets my dick hard every time.”

I work hard to swallow my disgust the closer he gets, and when he grabs my hips, I try to pull away, but he grips harder, digging his fingers into my flesh. I push his chest, forcing him away, but he grabs my wrists and yanks me back into his hard body. “Don’t test me, bitch. Remember, I can take what I wantwhenI want, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“You're hurting me.” I hate the weakness in my voice. A weakness he left behind from the damage he caused.

"You have no idea what suffering is, Scar." His words are full of hate, and my gut tightens at the thought of him hurting my son—my light. He lets me go and I stagger until the backs of my knees hit a chair.

The air in my lungs feels like it’s being drained when he takes a menacing step toward me. Cole grabs my chin and nips at my lower lips, drawing blood. He shoves me away with such force I tumble over the chair and fall on my ass. He walks out the door without sparing me another glance.



As I stood there, watching Scar and her son walking away from me, I could feel my heart sinking. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down before jumping into my truck and starting the engine. With each passing moment, I could feel my mind racing with thoughts about what had just happened. I drove down the road, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, trying to keep my emotions in check.

I pull up to the light and wait for it to turn green. My phone begins to ring, and I answer it without looking to see who it is.

“Yeah,” I respond.

“Well, I’ll be damned! Gentlemen, hold back your women because Maverick Jace Callahan is in the motherfucking house,” Mason yells through the phone.

I can’t help but laugh. His words give me a flashback to our college days.

“Dude, you didn’t tell me you were coming home,” Mason says, still laughing.

I felt like shit when I hardly stayed in touch with him after I left. Once the media nosed their way into my personal life, my story would be a train wreck beyond recognition. The mere thought of my friends, or my Tink getting swept up in that hot mess was too much to bear. So, even though it hurt like hell, I had to keep them at arm's length for their safety. The light turns green, and I drive forward. “I’m sorry, man. I wasn’t sure what my plans were. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.”

“Well, whatever made you come home, I’m glad. It’s good to hear your voice.”

I genuinely smile, even though he can’t see it.
