Page 85 of A Second Chance

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When the tears start to fall from his eyes, my heart splits in two—five years wasted. I can’t help but feel a pang of guilt.

"Think about it, Dad," I say. "You belong at home with your family. We need you here with us."

My dad looks at me, his face softening. "I want that more than anything."

My mom gazes at him with teary eyes and says, "I want you back home with us too."

My dad sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I know this is a big decision, and I don't want to make it lightly," he says.

Dad opens his arms wide and pulls me into a warm embrace, holding me tightly. His familiar scent envelops me, and I feel his heart beating against my chest. As we parted, I noticed tears glistening in his eyes, his voice quivering with emotion as he said, "I missed you all so much."

"We missed you too, Dad," I reply, smiling through my tears. "Welcome home."

Mom's eyes hold relief. We know it won’t be easy but are we willing to work together to make it work. And in the end, that's what family is all about. We are a family again, and that is all that matters.



"How long will you stare out the window, son?" my dad asks as he walks into the living room.

"I'm not staring," I lie. I've been watching Scar's house, contemplating whether I should see her.

Being in their presence, I felt a sense of familiarity. It was like I was being transported back home to a place where I should have been all along.

The way she interacted with her son was something special, a bond that I had never seen before. As I watched, I became mesmerized by the relationship between Shaun and Scar. The way he looked up at her with adoration and the way she smiled down at him filled the room with love. It was as if they were in their own world, completely unaware of anyone else around them. I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the connection they shared.

However, as much as I felt joy in that moment, I also felt a deep sense of loss. I realized I had missed so much, not being there to watch her become the amazing mother she is now. I thought of Seth and how proud he would have been of the woman she has become. I knew I had missed out on so much, and it made me feel a bit empty inside.

Despite those feelings of regret, I was grateful for the opportunity to witness such a magical moment. It was like the universe paused for a moment, allowing me to see something truly special. I would carry that memory with me always.

"It's been a tough journey for both of you in the last five years, but I'm glad you both are working towards healing the emotional wounds of the past," Dad expresses, exuding warmth through his words.

As I glance over my shoulder, I see Drew Callahan, the CEO of the wealthiest financial company in the US. He strides over to his favorite recliner and eases into it, positioning himself to look out the window. He rocks back and forth, his hands entwined and resting on his lap. Despite his enormous success, Dad has chosen to live a modest lifestyle in a regular suburban home, rather than living extravagantly like Elon Musk. Unfortunately, after twenty-five years, Dad had a heart attack three months ago. After his coronary artery bypass surgery, Mom had difficulty working full-time as a cardiologist and staying home to care for him.

“Son.” Dad’s voice pulls me out of my painful thoughts.

I can’t get over the lump in my throat that threatens to suffocate me. Every time I shut my eyes, I see Scar lying on the bathroom floor, bleeding to death. "I left her when she needed me the most." Instinctively, my hand moves to my chest, attempting to ease the pain that has been buried deep within me for years.

"I almost lost her, Dad," I croak.

Dad shakes his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "No, son. It is not your fault. After Seth died,sheblamed herself for not being there for him. That was a heavy burden she had to carry on her own, but after Shaun was born, he pulled her out of the darkness and breathed life back into her."

And that's the problem. The weight of my decision to leave Willow Oaks to pursue my acting career with Skylar is heavy on my heart. The thought of building a life with the woman carrying my child seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

Even then, my mind kept wandering back to the girl next door. In my heart, I knew that Scar was the one I wanted to be with, but she was forbidden. I had been chasing a dream that wasn't truly mine, and it had led me down a path that felt empty and hollow.

As I settled into my new life for the past five years, I couldn't help but feel guilty for the pain I had caused Scar. She had been my rock, my best friend, and the one who had always believed in me. And yet, I had left her alone —scared, sad, and uncertain of the future. Looking out the window, I notice two figures standing in the driveway.

What the…

"When did Scar's dad come back?" I ask, but before Dad can respond, Derick kisses Olivia and hugs her tight before he jumps into his car and takes off.

I turn to Dad with wide eyes. "Are they back together?"

"I am not fully aware of the details, but I know recently they were trying to work on their marriage."

I look out the window and watch Olivia drive away, most likely on her way to work. Which means Scar is home alone.
