Page 48 of The King’s Queen

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My instincts screamed at me to duck down behind the desk, but I settled for clutching the clipboard to my chest like it was a shield.

Thank goodness Ms. Booker specified that I get to choose the shape I take the picture in. Magic or not, there’s no way I’m using my cat shape with these guys. It’s not worth the risk!

The bell attached to the door jingled, and I shiftily pointed myself toward it, expecting Lord Linus’s return.

Instead, to my surprise Charon stepped through the door, then paused to hold it open for Aristide and Ker—in her guise of guide-werewolf and wearing her special harness that Aristide held on to.

Chapter Eleven


Idropped my clipboard on the desk with a clatter as emotion clogged my throat, just at the sight of my friends. “H-hello. Welcome to Book Nookery.” I glanced nervously at all the fae, but none of them seemed to take notice of the trio.

Charon approached the desk, carrying a thick, three-ring binder. “Miss Chloe,” he greeted me.

The tingle of elf magic that prickled at my ribs said Charon was thankfully wearing a glamour of some sort—probably one that altered his eyes and ears, but I couldn’t see it.

Aristide tilted his head as he listened to the sounds of the bookstore, but Ker started wagging her tail faster and faster.

They stopped when they reached the desk. Ker set her front paws on the edge and stretched up so she could look at me over the desk.

“Ker,” Aristide hissed. “Stop it! Guide dogs aren’t supposed to be friendly while working.”

Ker ignored him, and her tail wagged even harder as she gave me her best “I’m-just-a-fluffy-dog-don’t-you-want-to-pet-me?” look. It was surprising considering how massive she was—but that was a werewolf for you. Stretched up like this, she was taller than I was.

I smiled at her—she was the only one I hadn’t seen when the Paragon busted into Noctus’s place. Impulsively, I leaned across the desk to quickly scratch her neck before I picked up my clipboard and tried to gather my sense of professionalism. “How can I help you?”

Charon placed the hefty binder on the desk. It was so heavy it rattled my plastic cup of pens and pencils. “I have brought the translated information.”

“Already?” I reached for the binder then hesitated, glancing around the bookstore.

Despite their interest in taking a picture with me, at the moment the fae seemed more interested in perusing Book Nookery’s wares.

That’s good. If they don’t pay attention, we can play this off. Come on, magic. Kick it up.

Praying my magic that made me hard to notice would kick in, I smiled at Charon. “Thank you. I didn’t think it would be possible to get translations done this quickly.”

Charon shrugged—a movement so small and imperceptible the only reason I didn’t miss it was because I was used to the closed mouthed elf’s lack of reaction.

“Because of Noctus’s…hmm…loyaltyto the shadow that was once his companion, he’d recently charged Charon with pulling all information on shadows from the library,” Aristide tattled.

Wow, they must have started on this when the Paragon started asking Noctus about meeting me.

“Still, thank you for so quickly getting the information to me.” I smiled.

Charon completely ignored me and flipped the binder cover open. “Everything has been organized, color coded, and tabulated.”

I leaned over my desk so I could peer at the printed-out sheets—which also contained scanned images from the scrolls and whatever other reference material had been used.

Ah, now IknowCharon was the one who did all of this. Noctus’s desk is a mess, there’s no way he’d be this organized.

“Don’t be fooled by stone face here. Wedohope you find it useful.” Aristide smiled sunnily at me.

I glanced at Charon and couldn’t help but smile again. “I’m sure I will,” I said. “This was very kind of you. I hope this wasn’t too much of a bother. Really, truly, thank you.” I tried to infuse my thanks with as much sincerity as possible, hoping to get through to Charon, Aristide, and Ker.

I knew Charon wasn’t angry with me—I remembered the donuts—but I hadn’t had a chance to thank the trio for everything they’d done before I left Calor Villa. I’d been so worried about my siblings at the time that I could barely think straight.

Charon didn’t react, he just turned another page in the binder. Ker set her muzzle on the desk and peered up at me, her tail thumping on the wooden flooring, while Aristide traced the edge of the desk with his fingers.

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