Page 53 of Brady

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"Darling, I have to agree with him. That place is so isolated. If anything happened, who would tend to you?"

"I can take care of myself." She said stubbornly.

"Can you?"

Macayla rolled her eyes. "You sound like Brady."

"I’m being realistic. You forget to eat and when you’re on a roll, as you put it, you sit at your desk and fall asleep. Like it or not, you’re in a relationship. It calls for compromise."

"I compromise." She argued. "I’m living with him, aren’t I?”

"And loving it. He does take the best care of you. That man loves you to pieces."

"He wants to get married. I’m afraid that marriage is going to change something between us." She muttered.

Michelle threw up a hand in exasperation. "You’re living with each other. That's a commitment. Why not go all the way?"

"I’m not ready." She took a sip of the tea and grimaced. "I miss coffee."

"You can have it every now and then."

"Brady won’t allow it because he knows that every now and then doesn’t work for me. He’s determined to run the show."

"He knows you very well. Now, about this Tiffany, you should stay clear of her."

"I know. What's going to happen with Ivan and Sara?"

"Sara is sticking by him and seeking legal counsel. Apparently, this young woman has a habit of sleeping with different men in order to advance her career." A grimace of distaste shadowed Michelle's face.

"No wonder the public thinks we’re a joke. As a woman trying to survive in the world of acting, we’re given a lot of bad breaks. Why the hell would you try to make it worse?"

"She claimed she had it hard as a child."

"That's no excuse. So did I and I made that decision when I first started I was going to make it without opening my legs and I did." She selected a pineapple tart and popped it into her mouth. "Now, darling, you’re going to call that man of yours and apologize."

"Do I have to?"

"You do."


He found her in the kitchen when he returned. He’d been so mad he’d almost decided to go on to the club and spend the night. However, he’d made her a promise they would hash things out and the fact she wasn’t feeling well was something that was weighing on his mind.

"I ordered soup from Chico's." She nodded to the large container in front of her. "The weather calls for it and so does my stomach."

He had shed his jacket and gloves as well as his boots.

"It smells good."

"It does." She watched as he came further into the room and moved to the cabinet to pour a glass of scotch. "It’s started snowing. So, I figured we could sit or lie in the theater room after we finished eating and watch a movie."

His expression revealed nothing as he went to sit across from her.

"Is that so?"

"I already apologized."
